Thomas Edison Quotes

110 Thomas Edison Quotes to Inspire Innovation & Success

These Thomas Edison quotes will give you insightful knowledge on having the drive to fulfill your dreams. Thomas Edison was a successful businessman and scientist. His most famous inventions include the phonograph, the movie camera

Jane Elliott Quotes

50 Jane Elliott Quotes on Fighting Discrimination

Break the chains of racism through these top Jane Elliott quotes. Jane Elliott is an activist, diversity educator, and school teacher. She is also a mother of five children and a wife. Jane became known

Brené Brown Quotes

150 Brené Brown Quotes on Vulnerability & Leadership

Are you ready to explore your vulnerability with these Brené Brown quotes? As an American researcher, author, and professor, Brené Brown came up with the Shame Resilience Theory—strategies that people can apply in order to

Jordan Peterson Quotes

180 Jordan Peterson Quotes on Life, Love, and More

If you’re aiming to get a different perspective of how the world works, then you might want to check out this collection of Jordan Peterson quotes. His views, however extreme and revolutionary, explore the roots