Reading it is what it is quotes is a great way to open your heart and mind to the reality of the things around you.
It’s not wrong to keep a positive mindset in life. In fact, that’s something we recommend for you to have! But, while we remain optimistic, we shouldn’t forget to also be accepting of reality—no matter if it’s good or not.
If we are more accepting of what is, we will be able to act accordingly, depending on the situation. At the same time, we realize that we can’t change anything about the past. It is what it is, so why dwell on it?
Accepting what is could be a challenge. So, we’ve collected some of the best it is what it is quotes to help you be more welcoming of reality.
Start reading here.
Best It Is What It Is Quotes
1. “It is what it is. It is what it was. It is what it will be. Don’t stress it.” – Anonymous
2. “You got to keep your feet on the ground, and it is what it is.” – Max Holloway
3. “What comes, when it comes, will be what it is.” – Alberto Caeiro
4. “The roster that we have today may change tomorrow. It is what it is for right now.” – Nick Saban
5. “Not everything happens when you expect it; it is what it is. The people who ride with you, ride with you.” – Kali Uchis
6. “It is what it is, and it ain’t nothin’ else. Everything is clearly, openly, plainly delivered.” – Dan Flavin
7. “It is what it is because it is what it is—as the reality is that there is no reality because it is what it is!” – AJ Vosse
It Is What It Is Quotes for Your Inspiration
8. “One good thing about the past is that you can’t change it. So there’s no reason to go back. It’s there. It is what it is. The only thing you can change is right now and what’s happening next.” – Neil Young
9. “No matter what I do now, there are certain doors I have already closed, certain opportunities I’ll never get back. There’s nothing to be done, I guess. It is what it is.” – Blake Nelson
10. “One door shuts, and another one opens, and you just kind of follow that path. My path has been a little curvy, but it is what it is. It’s all good.” – John Corabi
11. “I’m just not into trying to convince people like me. I always say to myself, ‘It is what it is.’ I walk into a situation knowing that people are either going to love me or they’re not, and that’s okay. I’m just going to be me. You can’t be everything to everyone.” – NeNe Leakes
Powerful It Is What It Is Quotes to Change Your Mindset
12. “Sometimes life is just what it is, and the best you can hope for is ice cream.” – Abbi Waxman
13. “I don’t even get mad anymore. I accept it for what it is and move on.” – Anonymous
14. “Unpredictability means what it means. I don’t know how you define it. It is what it is.” – Michael Keaton
15. “I’m living with every step. I can’t live with regret. The past is the past. I’m not worried about it. I can’t change it. I can’t fix it. It is what it is. I’m just living.” – Ryan Sheckler
16. “Telling it like it is means telling it like it was and how it is now that it isn’t what it was to the is now people.” – Jill Johnston
17. “I’m not sure what the future holds, but I do know that I’m going to be positive and not wake up feeling desperate. As my dad said, ‘Nic, it is what it is, it’s not what it should have been, not what it could have been, it is what it is.'” – Nicole Kidman
It Is What It Is Quotes That’ll Keep You Positive
18. “It is what it is. Either walk on or accept.” – Deborah Lawrenson
19. “If it is what it is, embrace it.” – Bert McCoy
20. “At the end of the day, it is what it is.” – Anonymous
21. “It is what it is. You are what you it. There are no mistakes.” – Tom Robbins
22. “It is what it is. I can’t change what’s happened to me.” – Giles Duley
23. “A lily or a rose never pretends, and its beauty is that it is what it is.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti
24. “You just have those days. You just allow yourself to have those days. I think everybody has bad days. So because of that, when you recognize it, just allow it to be. It is what it is. I don’t think you should ever stifle your frustration, ever.” – Donald Faison
Short It Is What It Is Quotes to Reflect On
25. “It is what it is because you let it be so.” – Suzy Kassem
26. “Face your fear. Accept your war. It is what it is.” – Zakk Wylde
27. “It is what it is, it is what you make it.” – James Durbin
28. “Everything is what it is, and not another thing.” – Joseph Butler
29. “It isn’t what a picture is of, it is what it is about.” – John Szarkowski
30. “Some people like me, some people don’t. It is what it is.” – Jo Frost
31. “Beauty is not the cause of something; it is what it is.” – Emily Dickinson
32. “It is what it is. Accept it and move on.” – Anonymous
33. “It’s stupid, but it’s human, and that’s how it is.” – Álvaro de Campos
34. “The wisdom of life—it is what it is.” – Anonymous
Wise It Is What It Is Quotes That Can Serve as Your Guide
35. “Life is as it is; we take it to be hard or easy. It’s all about our perception, attitude, and level of gratitude.” – Geraldine Vermaak
36. “At my age, turning gray is kind of a blessing, where it softens all of the other horrible things it does to you, but it is what it is.” – Tom Selleck
37. “Nothing at all reminds us of something else when we pay attention to it. Each thing only reminds us of what it is, and it’s only what nothing else is.” – Alberto Caeiro
38. “Sometimes, the weather is just the weather and doesn’t have to mean anything more than that.” – Kara Timmins
It Is What It Is Quotes to Give You Insights Into the Truth
39. “Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie.” – Miyamoto Musashi
40. “The truth has no form, you know. It’s not like walking around trying to actually ask for favors and to be acknowledged, it is what it is.” – Chuck D.
41. “The ultimate freedom depends on knowing the ultimate Truth. Truth is not what people say it is, it is what it is. And Truth, quite remarkably, sets one free, just like philosophers have said down the ages.” – L Ron Hubbard
42. “Yes, this is what my senses alone have learned: things don’t have significance; they only have existence. Things are the only hidden meaning of things.” – Alberto Caeiro
43. “I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it. We cannot compromise with it. It is what it is, it has been what it has been, and it will be what it has been. So it doesn’t change. What is needed is that we have to change.” – Nirmala Srivastava
It Is What It Is Quotes for Everyone Going Through Hardships
44. “It is what it is. Isn’t that how these things always go? They are what they are. We just get to cope.” – Mira Grant
45. “You get to the point where you’re like, ‘I’m just doing me, and if people don’t like it, then it is what it is.’” – Bebe Rexha
46. “This is a tough situation. But it is what it is, and time has an amazing way of knitting together solutions as long as everybody stays calm and resolves to be as gentle and patient as possible.” – Amy Dickinson
More It Is What It Is Quotes That You Will Learn From
47. “I wish the music business was a much easier thing, but you know what? Nothing easy is worth anything. So it is what it is. There comes a time when things can work out, and everybody can be happy. And that’s what it’s all about in the end—everybody being happy and working it out.” – Nas
48. “The work is done; it is what it is. You do the work, and you hope people like it, and if they don’t, don’t read it. I don’t read reviews. I don’t have social media, so I’ll stay away from that; it’s easy.” – Mike Colter
49. “You know, there’s nothing you can do about your public image. It is what it is. I just try to do things honestly. I guess honesty is what you would call subjective: if you feel good about what you’re doing, yourself if you figure you’re doing the right thing.” – Christopher Walken
50. “The streets made me. They stay with me. There’s nothing that’s gonna take away from my legacy. I’m sorry. It is what it is. I’m dying this way. With the crown on my head, nobody can take nothing away from me. It is what it is. I am who I am. Bottom line.” – Lil’ Kim
What Do You Think of When You Hear the Statement, “It Is What It Is?”
In the book of life, we all have so many chapters left unwritten and undiscovered. If we let ourselves get bogged down by the negativities presented to us at the beginning, how could we unfold the rest of the chapters of our lives successfully?
This is why we must learn to accept things for what they are and get used to the saying, “It is what it is.” After all, every chapter in life will provide us with challenges—both big and small. We should accept them for what they are instead of dwelling on them and prepare ourselves for the next season that awaits us.
We should never focus too much on life’s negatives. Instead, remember that these trials and tribulations—however complex, tiring, and daunting—will lead us to better days if we just know how to adapt and rise above them.
So, when faced with another bleak situation, tell yourself, “It is what it is,” and just continue pushing forward. With that, we hope you were able to learn a thing or two from this list that’ll help you progress through life. Don’t stop moving because eventually, you’ll reach the best and most beautiful chapter of your life!