Fill the last days of summer with memories and experiences by reading these August quotes.
August is the eighth and the last summer month of the year. The start of these days gives us sunshine with a cooling breeze. Hence, it is a perfect reminder of the upcoming winter while basking under the warmth of the remaining summer days.
Indeed, the month is the greatest summer finale that everyone can experience.

So, make sure to keep it close to your heart by reading through the most inspirational August quotes below.
Let’s get started.
And don’t forget to check out these July quotes and September quotes.
Best August Quotes
1. “August is that last flicker of fun and heat before everything fades and dies. The final moments of fun before the freeze. In the winter, everything changes.” – Rasmenia Massoud
2. “August rain—the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.” – Sylvia Plath
3. “August is the border between summer and autumn. It is the most beautiful month I know.” – Tove Jansson
4. “August brings into sharp focus and a furious boil everything I’ve been listening to in the late spring and summer.” – Henry Rollins
5. “August, the summer’s last messenger of misery, is a hollow actor.” – Henry Rollins
6. “August of another summer, and once again, I am drinking the sun, and the lilies again are spread across the water.” – Mary Oliver
7. “This morning, the sun endures past dawn. I realise that it is August—the summer’s last stand.” – Sara Baume
8. “August is for changes and strength.” – Luke Hamlet
9. “Your August can be as memorable as the leaving summer.” – Jennifer Lewis
10. “The month of August had turned into a griddle where the days just lay there and sizzled.” – Sue Monk Kidd
11. “August is a time of growing up, of forgotten forevers, full of the sweetest intent.” – Meka Boyle
12. “The August cloud melts into streams of rain.” – William Cullen Bryant
13. “The arrival of August means that summer is drawing to a close, and that’s exactly why it should be embraced.” – Amanda McArthur
14. “Breathe the sweetness that hovers in August.” – Denise Levertov
15. “August was nearly over. The month of apples and falling stars, the last carefree month for the school children.” – Victor Nekrasov
Inspirational Quotes for the Month of August
16. “August still stretched before us long and golden and reassuring, like an endless period of delicious sleep.” – Lauren Oliver
17. “The quiet August noon has come. A slumberous silence fills the sky. The winds are still, the trees are dumb. In glassy sleep, the waters lie.” – William Cullen Bryant
18. “August is ripening grain in the fields, vivid dahlias fling, huge tousled blossoms through gardens, and Joe Pye weed dusts the meadow purple.” – Jean Hersey
19. “The weather is great, and the sun is always out in August.” – Anna Scott
20. “That August time, it was a delight to watch the red moons wane to white.” – Algernon Charles Swinburne
21. “The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning.” – Natalie Babbitt
22. “People don’t notice if it’s August or December when they are happy.” – Anthony Mill
23. “You laugh, you dance around, you shout, but not long after, the sun goes out. Snow falls, but no one sees it, on an August noon.” – Ray Bradbury
24. “Those late August mornings smelt of autumn from daybreak ’till the hour when the sun-baked earth allowed the cool sea breezes to drive back the then less heavy aroma of threshed wheat, open furrows, and reeking manure.” – Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette
25. “In August, the large masses of berries, which, when in flower, had attracted many wild bees, gradually assumed their bright velvety crimson hue, and by their weight, again bent down and broke their tender limbs.” – Henry David Thoreau
26. “Don’t let your August be four weeks of feeling sad that fall is right around the corner.” – Jasmine Vaughn-Hall
27. “Smell brings to mind a family dinner of pot roast and sweet potatoes during a myrtle-mad August in a Midwestern town. Smells detonate softly in our memory like poignant land mines hidden under the weedy mass of years.” – Diane Ackerman
28. “Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August. Winters are simply a time to count the weeks until the next summer.” – Jenny Han
29. “August is a great month in the garden with many flowers including dahlias, sunflowers, and other hot-colored blooms at their peak.” – BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine
30. “The calm of a thousand summers and dreams of countless Junes return when the lake-wind murmurs through golden August noons.” – William Stanley Braithwaite
Motivational Quotes for the Month of August
31. “August is the slow, gentle month that stretches out the longest across the span of a year. It yawns and lingers on with the light in its palms.” – Victoria Erickson
32. “Summer, the seasons between spring and autumn, comprising in the Northern Hemisphere the warmest months of the year: June, July, and August. The period of finest development, perfection, or beauty previous to any decline. The summer of life.” – Cecelia Ahern
33. “Make your June good, July better, and the month of August best by looking into the eyes of the sun.” – Anonymous
34. “When August days are hot and dry, I won’t sit by and sigh or die, I’ll get my bottle on the sly, and go ahead, and fish, and lie.” – Paul Laurence Dunbar
35. “In August, an inescapable blanket of heat settled over Paducah, the last gasping breath of summer roaring its weight out over the populace.” – Kelsey Brickl
36. “Welcome, August! A bounty of beautiful beginnings and neverending blessings. Hey you, the reader, may your all dreams come true this month.” – Anonymous
37. “Today is the first of August. It is hot, steamy, and wet. It is raining. I am tempted to write a poem.” – Sylvia Plath
38. “It was August, and the fields were high with corn.” – Melanie Gideon
39. “The west coast of Corsica on a boat in August is probably as beautiful as it gets.” – Antoine Arnault
40. “The August sun is pouring on the land. His scorching rays and vegetation stands, beseeching to the skies for showers again, and being answered like the prayers of men.” – Edward Blair
41. “May your month of August be filled with wonderful blessings of good health, love, peace, happiness, and prosperity.” – Anonymous
42. “August breeze—perched on the flame tree, a red-vented Bulbul.” – Meeta Ahluwalia
43. “Every year, August lashes out in volcanic fury, rising with the din of morning traffic. Its great metallic wings smashing against the ground, heating the air with ever-increasing intensity.” – Henry Rollins
44. “Youth is in a grand flush, like the hot days of ending summer, and pleasant dreams thrall your spirit, like the smoky atmosphere that bathes the landscape of an August day.” – Ik Marvel
45. “For the rest of the vacation, there was hardly a day when they did not go up to it. Preferably in the long, smoky, delicious August evenings when the white moths sailed over the tansy plantation, and the golden twilight faded into dusk and purple over the green slopes beyond, and fireflies lighted their goblin torches by the pond.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery
Short August Quotes That’ll Make You Think
46. “Good things are going to happen. Welcome, August!” – Anonymous
47. “In August, most of Europe goes on holiday.” – Tony Visconti
48. “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Happy August.” – Anonymous
49. “Prayer is an August avowal of ignorance.” – Victor Hugo
50. “August is a wicked month.” – Edna O’Brien
51. “The August sun, God’s blood blister.” – Donald E. Westlake
52. “Sometimes August isn’t recognized until December.” – Meka Boyle
53. “August creates as she slumbers, replete and satisfied.” – Joseph Wood Krutch
54. “Goodbye July, and a big hello to August.” – Anonymous
55. “On the 15th of August, thousands of people fly kites.” – Minshirui
Quotes to Cast Positive Energy in the Month of August
56. “Remember to be gentle with yourself and others. We are all children of chance, and none can say why some fields will blossom while others lay brown beneath the August sun.” – Kent Nerburn
57. “May-August wind blows you in the right direction.” – De philosopher DJ Kyos
58. “It is best to be born in April or August when the life-giving sun is in its exaltation, for then we enter the sea of life on the crest-wave and are backed in the battle of existence by an abundant fund of vim and energy.” – Max Heindel
59. “August is the month of the high sailing hawks. The hen hawk is the most noticeable. He is a bird of leisure and seems always at his ease.” – John Burroughs
60. “Though goodbyes are depressing, but hellos are always pleasing. So welcome August, and say goodbye to July, the lovely month of celebrating freedom.” – Anonymous
61. “Happy people are the best, and August is the month of the happiest people.” – Anonymous
62. “The soothing, mild-chilled nights of August make you wish for a cozy partner and some alone time.” – Anonymous
63. “I don’t know about you, but August is still an important chapter in summer’s novel.” – Jasmine Vaughn-Hall
64. “This was one of those perfect New England days in late summer where the spirit of autumn takes a first stealing flight like a spy through the ripening countryside, and with feigned sympathy for those who droop with August heat, puts her cool cloak of bracing air about leaf and flower and human shoulders.” – Sarah Orne Jewett
65. “How sociable the garden was. We ate and talked in the given light. The children put their toys on the grass. All the warm wakeful August night.” – Thom Gunn
Great Quotes to Celebrate the Start of August
66. “The first week of August is motionless and hot. It is curiously silent, too, with blank white dawns and glaring noons, and sunsets smeared with too much color.” – Natalie Babbitt
67. “When summer opens, I see how fast it matures and fears it will be short, but after the heats of July and August, I am reconciled, like one who has had his swing to the cool of autumn.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
68. “One evening in August, you have an errand outdoors, and all of a sudden, it’s pitch-black. It is still summer, but the summer is no longer alive.” – Tove Jansson
69. “Caught in the doldrums of August, we may have regretted the departing summer.” – Denis Mackail
70. “Leaving any bookstore is hard, especially on a day in August when the street outside burns and glares, and the books inside are cool and crisp to the touch.” – Jane Smiley
71. “The English winter ending in July to recommence in August.” – Lord Byron
72. “We used to play football on the levee with no shirts on in the summer August in New Orleans, and my skin would turn red.” – Aaron Neville
73. “The brilliant poppy flaunts her head amidst the ripening grain, and adds her voice to sell the song that August is here again.” – Helen M. Winslow
74. “August is the Sunday of summer. I wish we could turn the hourglass over.” – Mak Cov
75. “Always keep mint on your windowsill in August to ensure that buzzing flies will stay outside where they belong. Don’t think the summer is over, even when roses droop and turn brown and the stars shift position in the sky.” – Alice Hoffman
76. “Some days are cool while others are hot. August is the month we are talking about.” – Anonymous
77. “I love the little garden in the back of my family’s brownstone in Brooklyn. Digging out there in the dirt is a joy for me. Although by the time August rolls around and my roses have black spot, I need the break winter provides.” – Siri Hustvedt
78. “Hello August, please be kind and less happening. I am not in the mood to go through a lot of excitement this month.” – Anonymous
79. “The thunder in the sky makes the cloud cry, and life in August is like a thunderstorm.” – Anonymous
80. “In the mute August afternoon, they trembled to some undertune of music in the silver air.” – Algernon Charles Swinburne
Funny August Quotes to Make You Laugh
81. “August is a gentle reminder for not doing a single thing from your new year resolution for seven months and not doing it for next five.” – Crestless Wave
82. “To all those pinning Halloween costumes and Christmas-themed recipes, let me just say, calm down! It’s August.” – Anonymous
83. “When you enter August, you want some beach days, some relaxing days, and some wife-out-of-town days.” – Anonymous
84. “It’s part of the American experience. We deal with mosquitoes in August.” – Monica Hesse
85. “I bet deep down you still wish your mom would take you clothes shopping every August for the new school year.” – Bridget Willard
86. “Don’t blame the holidays. You were already overweight in August.” – Anonymous
87. “If you had planned to come to Crawford in the middle of the hot summer in August, no one would have come with you, if you had planned it.” – Ann Wright
88. “August depresses me a little. I don’t even feel like eating. And when I don’t eat, that’s a sure sign of stagnation.” – Willard Scott
89. “This August, flaunt your style and make sure to inspire everyone with your looks and good books.” – Anonymous
90. “If June was the beginning of a hopeful summer, and July the juice middle, August was suddenly feeling like the bitter end.” – Sarah Dessen
Quotes on the Magic That August Brings
91. “The sun was still all August, although calendar August was almost two weeks gone.” – Stephen King
92. “Childhood is June, and old age is August, but here it is, July, and my life, this year, is July inside of July.” – Rick Bass
93. “Take me to that island where people celebrate in the streets in August.” – Charmaine J. Forde
94. “That smell of freshly cut grass makes me think of Friday night football in high school. The cutting of the grass reminds me of the August practice.” – Garth Brooks
95. “August used to be a sad month for me. As the days went on, the thought of school starting weighed heavily upon my young frame.” – Henry Rollins
96. “What happens is that every August photographers camp out in Hyannis Port. So anytime I go down to the beach or go to the pier or whatever, there’s no avoiding them.” – John F. Kennedy Jr.
97. “August is the month when wars start. It’s when the water dries up, and the spirit begins to wither.” – Al Aronowitz
98. “I will cast my August days behind me with my May, nor strive to drag them into autumn’s place, nor swear I hope when I do but remember. Now violet and rose have had their day. I’ll pluck the soberer asters with good grace and call September nothing but September.” – Ella Wheeler Wilcox
99. “The foliage has been losing its freshness through the month of August, and here and there, a yellow leaf shows itself like the first gray hair amidst the locks of a beauty who has seen one season too many.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
100. “I saw the spiders marching through the air, swimming from tree to tree that mildewed day in latter August when the hay came creaking to the barn.” – Robert Lowell
Which Quote Perfectly Described Your August?
August is a month of transition between summer and the fall and winter seasons. There is a significant change of weather from warm and sunny to cold and dark days.
This natural flow of seasons is a commonly used metaphor in literature. It is the perfect description of the highs and lows that we usually experience in life. Also, it explains why August is one of the months that have the longest days but a period that still feels so short.
We hope that these August quotes were able to comfort you for the upcoming winter. Remember to cherish the bright days and to keep your loved ones close during the cold season.
Which August quote is your favorite? Did you relate to these August quotes? Share your thoughts with us below.