If you’re the type of person who enjoys unique plots and storylines, then these Drop Dead Fred quotes will pique your interest.
Drop Dead Fred is all about Elizabeth Cronin, who has an imaginary childhood friend named Fred. Elizabeth is a woman who has a very controlling mother and a manipulative husband who always gives her pain.
However, despite her trauma from these people, she didn’t dare to let them go. The fear of being alone cripples Elizabeth. No matter how grown she is, she thinks she can’t do anything by herself.
That’s why her imaginary friend returned to her life despite having vanished for a long time. Fred wants Elizabeth to value herself and her peace by avoiding toxic people. Convincing Elizabeth to let go of the people around her wasn’t easy, but Fred was able to accomplish it.
After many challenges, Elizabeth was finally able to face her greatest fear. She learned to let go of people who are not good for her mental and physical health without hesitation. To learn more about the movie and its lessons, read this collection!
Continue reading.
And don’t forget to check out these Grumpy Old Men quotes and Kingpin quotes.
Best Drop Dead Fred Quotes
1. “Look, you’ve got you now. You don’t need me.” – Drop Dead Fred
2. “You see, when something’s not working right, the best thing to do is tear it apart to make it better.” – Drop Dead Fred
3. “Pain is your friend; it’s your humanity. Pain makes you interesting.” – Janie
4. Drop Dead Fred: “Boo!”
Elizabeth Cronin: “Ahh!”
Drop Dead Fred: “Hello, Snotface! Yuck! What happened to you? Look at you. You’re all older. You’re even uglier. Uch. I’m sorry. I’m gonna have to be sick all over you immediately. Lie down.”
5. Drop Dead Fred: “I can’t believe we left the party so soon. And there was so much wine to spit around the place.”
Elizabeth Cronin: “I got upset.”
Drop Dead Fred: “‘I got upset.’ God, you’re so stupid. You never leave a party until the very very end.”
Elizabeth Cronin: “Oh, really?”
Drop Dead Fred: “Yeah, really.”
Elizabeth Cronin: “Well, what about Cinderella? Remember what happened with her?”
Drop Dead Fred: “No, I don’t remember what happened with her. I deliberately forgot all about her. She made me puke. I remember the ugly stepsisters; they were great.”
6. Young Elizabeth Cronin: “Did they live happily ever after?”
Polly Cronin: “Of course, Elizabeth.”
Young Elizabeth Cronin: “How do you know?”
Polly Cronin: “Because she was a good little girl, if she would have been naughty, the prince would have run away.”
Young Elizabeth Cronin: “What a pile of shit.”
7. Drop Dead Fred: “Well, why don’t we harpoon Charles straight through the head, drag him back to the apartment, and hit him with a hammer until he agrees to come back?”
Elizabeth Cronin: “Harpoon him through the head. That won’t work, Fred.”
Drop Dead Fred: “Why not? How many times have you tried it?”
Short Drop Dead Fred Quotes That Will Be Embedded in Your Mind
8. “Wow! Cobwebs.” – Drop Dead Fred
9. “I don’t love you because love is for girls, and girls are disgusting.” – Drop Dead Fred
10. “Oh, great. Now I’m stuck between two complete utter girls.” – Drop Dead Fred
11. “No panties! No panties!” – Drop Dead Fred
12. “It takes more than a fire truck to stop Drop Dead Fred.” – Drop Dead Fred
13. “Just kiss me and say, ‘Drop Dead Fred,’ now.” – Drop Dead Fred
Drop Dead Fred Quotes to Recognize What Friendship Is All About
14. Elizabeth Cronin: “I’m not afraid of you!”
Drop Dead Fred: “Finally, the magic words!”
15. Michael Bunce: “We were all a little afraid of your mother.”
Elizabeth Cronin: “Not Fred. He always stood up for me.”
Michael Bunce: “Well, that’s what friends are for, even imaginary ones.”
16. “Drop Dead Fred is going to teach me how to cook today. I’m going to need flour and sugar and honey and vodka and a pair of your pants. We’re making pants pie. Ow!” – Elizabeth Cronin
17. Drop Dead Fred: “Come on!”
Elizabeth Cronin: “Where are we going?”
Drop Dead Fred: “Playtime! Wheee!”
Elizabeth Cronin: “Ahh! Ooh! Who put that there?”
Drop Dead Fred Quotes to Make You Smirk
18. “I am a loner, a crazy, wide-eyed loner on a doomed mission to Venus to battle with the three-headed megabeast, but on the way, I caught cornflakes disease.” – Drop Dead Fred
19. “Dog poo, dog poo, yucky, yucky dog poo. Dog poo on the chair, all on the sides, all up there, yucky, yucky smelly dog poo!” – Drop Dead Fred
20. Elizabeth Cronin: “Go away.”
Drop Dead Fred: “‘Go away?’ Why do you want me to go away? Fine! Say the magic words, and I’ll piss off.”
Elizabeth Cronin: “Piss off!”
Drop Dead Fred: “Ha! I lied. Those weren’t the magic words.”
Polly Cronin: “What did you say?”
Drop Dead Fred: “She told you to piss off.”
21. Young Elizabeth Cronin: “Maybe Mommy’s right. I never do anything right.”
Drop Dead Fred: “No! You’re great. She’s not.”
22. Drop Dead Fred: “Snotface, he’s the wrong man for you.”
Elizabeth Cronin: “I don’t want to hear it.”
Drop Dead Fred: “You’re not happy.”
Elizabeth Cronin: “Yes, I am.”
Drop Dead Fred: “Well, if you’re so happy, then why am I still here, hmm?”
Elizabeth Cronin: “I can fix that.”
Drop Dead Fred: “Oh no, don’t do that. No, please, don’t do that. Do—.”
23. “Snotface, look, ink. Let’s write something on the carpet. I know, how about ‘mother sucks?’” – Drop Dead Fred
24. Elizabeth Cronin: “Mother, do you remember when I was little, I had a friend. He was make-believe?”
Polly Cronin: “No.”
Elizabeth Cronin: “Don’t you remember? Only I could see him?”
Polly Cronin: “No, I don’t remember Drop Dead Fred at all.”
Drop Dead Fred Quotes for a Glimpse Into Your Favorite Scenes
25. “Ugh! What does that taste like? You got married? You mean you’ve been doing it like the pigeons? No! Yuck!” – Drop Dead Fred
26. Charles Gretterson: “Does this Fred play rough?”
Elizabeth Cronin: “Only with me.”
Charles Gretterson: “Jesus.”
27. Young Elizabeth Cronin: “Daddy, why don’t we throw Mommy out the window? It won’t hurt her. She’ll land in the gladiolas.”
Nigel Cronin: “You shouldn’t say things like that about your mother. She might cut your head off.”
More Drop Dead Fred Quotes That You Shouldn’t Miss
28. “Ah! My head! The mega bitch squashed my head! The bitch! She squashed my head! The evil one reigns supreme!” – Drop Dead Fred
29. “Hold on, hold on, that’s now how the pigeons do it. You’re supposed to stamp on her head and peck her.” – Drop Dead Fred
30. “I wrote the note. Hahaha! Haven’t got a husband! Haven’t got a husband! Got a stupid haircut!” – Drop Dead Fred
Do You Also Want A Friend Like Fred Who Will Do Anything to Protect You?
The world is cruel to Elizabeth; imagine having a mother who breaks you into pieces instead of building you up. She also deals with a husband who she’s in constant conflict with.
As humans prone to attachment, it’s hard to let go of people important to us. But, sometimes, we also need to protect ourselves and our peace by shutting them off. We should not allow people to break us into pieces and still give them the same rights to enter our life.
Learn to cut ties with toxic people who have no chance to change. It doesn’t matter what their role is in your life because if they genuinely care for you, they should be the first ones to protect you and not harm you.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting people to stay, but please remember to pick someone who deserves a spot in your life. A toxic environment will lead you to unending disappointments, pain, and insecurities. So, never settle for anything less than you deserve!
Hopefully, this collection was able to motivate you to cut toxicity out of your life. Create a stress-free environment by setting boundaries with toxic people. Remember that the best self-care is breaking free from unhealthy people and relationships in your life.