He Refused to Attend His Best Friend’s Wedding Because His Girlfriend of Six Months Wasn’t Invited. He’s the Best Man, but It Doesn’t Mean He Can Make Everything About Him!

His friends invited their online gaming friends, including their partners, to their wedding ceremony but had “no space” for the best man’s girlfriend. Isn’t that a little insulting?

I Hear Wedding Bells!

Image Credit: Shutterstock / YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV

One of OP’s (Original Poster) best friends recently got engaged to his girlfriend of four years and will be getting married the following year. OP was “over the moon” for them.

Best Man’s Confusion

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A few days before sharing this story, the groom asked OP to be his best man, and he accepted. Never did it cross his mind to say no until the invitations were sent out and he saw that his girlfriend was only given an evening invitation.

The engaged couple explained that only 50 people were allowed to attend the ceremony and 100 for the evening. If they decide to have additional seats, it will cost them money.

Room for Strangers

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

According to OP, if the groom and bride had a “huge pool” of family and friends and they had to make a cut, he wouldn’t feel angry about it. However, both parties have “very small families,” and he found out that their online friends from playing video games have been invited, along with their partners.

OP wrote, “It just feels like a bit of a slap to the face, being the best man and not being allowed one space.”

Seems Unfair

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Generally, the bride has said that she doesn’t like new people in her life, and OP’s girlfriend has rarely been invited to social events at her house. But when she started dating OP’s best friend, he ensured she was invited to everything they did from day one.

OP has been in a relationship with his girlfriend for six months, and by the time the wedding happens, they’ll be together for almost two years.

Ditching His Best Friend’s Wedding

Image Credit: Shutterstock / SG SHOT

Eventually, OP told his best friend that he wouldn’t be the best man anymore and wouldn’t attend the wedding. Unsurprisingly, the groom wasn’t pleased with his decision.

Please Understand

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Hearing what he said, OP’s best friend tried to rationally explain that there wasn’t space for his girlfriend at the wedding, but OP stood his ground.

He wrote, “I know this may make me the a**hole because I’m throwing away years of friendship for something that likely wasn’t a huge consideration for them. There just wasn’t enough space, but knowing how this had made me feel, I don’t think I’d be capable of giving a nice speech during the day.”

Straighten It Out

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In an update, OP realized that he might be “blowing things out of proportion” for a day that isn’t about him. With that, he will do everything he can to fix things with his best friend.

He admitted that it felt more like an insult in the heat of the moment.

Solid Bond

Image Credit: Shutterstock / G-Stock Studio

He clarified that he’s been friends with both the groom and bride for the duration of their relationship. Due to their joint at-the-hip nature, people’s partners are usually welcomed with open arms in their friendship group.

OP added, “I did everything I could to make the bride feel comfortable in the group when she was first introduced, and we consider each other good friends.”

Officially One of Them

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OP’s reasoning is that if he and his girlfriend were together in a year’s time when the wedding comes, he’d like to think she was already established in the group. If the tables were turned, he wouldn’t dream of not asking his best friend’s partner for the most important day of his life.

If They Were in His Position

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Roman Samborskyi

Besides, they are a tight-knit group of friends who see each other regularly, together with their partners. It’s just that his girlfriend doesn’t get any invites to social events hosted by the bride and groom.

OP noted, “I know for a fact if the roles were reversed and she wasn’t invited to my wedding, there would be hell to pay because there have been instances where I’ve invited my friend without his girlfriend for ‘lads nights out’ and she’s kicked off.”

It’s What Friends Do

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Roman Samborskyi

Although OP still thinks he’s right, he can see that he overreacted and that things could have been handled differently. In his update, he just wanted to clarify some things about their friendship, as it isn’t like his best friend is getting married to a woman he has never met.

He wrote, “I class her as a friend and have made every effort to make her feel included from day one.”

Redditors’ Opinions

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According to Redditors, OP should understand there isn’t enough space for more people in the ceremony. Also, whatever issues he has now, he still has plenty of time to fix them and work on his speech.

A Redditor wrote, “You’re the a**hole. You answered the question in your post. They have limited space and wish to keep the wedding on a budget. It is not for you to decide who watches the ceremony and who doesn’t. Your girlfriend has an invite to the evening reception. It is truly up to the couple on whom they wish to attend the morning portion and watch them tie the knot.”

The same person added, “I bet if you asked your girlfriend if she cares or not, I’d wager it is the latter. All she gets is a free meal, drinks, and a dance party, which sounds perfect to her. Push your ego aside and have a conversation with the groom. Explain how you feel and talk it out. Lastly, you have over a year to work through this issue and deliver a speech.”

Dumping Their Friendship

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Redditors were disappointed that OP was willing to give up his friends for his girlfriend of six months, even though there’s no guarantee they’ll end up together.

Someone said, “You’re the a**hole. Six months into a relationship, and you’re ready to throw away a lifelong friendship for the hope that you’ll still be together with her by the time the wedding rolls around.”

Another person wrote, “You’re the a**hole. You’ve been with your girlfriend for 6 months, the couple doesn’t know her, and there is no guarantee you will even be with her in another 18 months from now. You’re planning to throw away your long friendship because you’re in a relatively new relationship with a person who is a stranger to the bride and groom and is having a limited-guest wedding. There are hills to die on, but this is not one.”

Early Invites

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Krakenimages.com

Some needed clarification about why the engaged couple was already sending out invitations even though their wedding was still the following year.

A commenter asked, “Why are they doing invites now when the wedding is a year and a half away? You don’t typically do wedding invites formally until like three to four months before. Feels like the ‘happy couple’ created a problem here.”

Another Redditor replied, saying, “I also thought it was weird to be so specific about the guest list 18 months out. I could see if it was a destination wedding where guests must plan far ahead for time off of work, childcare, travel fees, etc., but not for a typical wedding. I’m voting everyone sucks here. The bridal couple should have waited until closer to the wedding date to finalize the invites. OP took the nuclear option for a woman he may not even want to be with anymore once the wedding date arrives.”

A Courteous Act

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Krakenimages.com

People from Reddit said that even if the couple doesn’t invite OP’s girlfriend, it’s only respectful that the best man be granted a plus-one. After all, he does play an important role.

“I say not the a**hole. Even if she wasn’t invited by name, it seems inappropriate not to give your best man a plus-one to your wedding,” one Redditor said.

Someone else wrote, “Not the a**hole. This is important to you, and you expressed it makes you feel disrespected. With reason, it’s common courtesy to allow a plus-one, especially to someone who will play such an important role in the wedding. If he truly valued the friendship, a plus-one is really no big deal. I wonder if someone just doesn’t like your girlfriend, for whatever reason?”

What’s With the Exclusion?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ebtikar

Other users can’t get this question out of their heads: how could OP’s friends invite their online gaming friends but not his girlfriend? It just seems fishy.

A commenter wrote, “Not the a**hole. I would’ve said you’re the a**hole without the part where you mentioned they invited other—possibly not as close—friends and their partners. It’s obviously their wedding, and they can invite whoever they want, but the ‘no space’ reason, when it comes to your girlfriend, sounds questionable. So I can understand where you’re coming from. Also, six months can be a very serious relationship, depending on the couple. Your girlfriend is not some rando you picked off the street a day ago.”

Another one replied to the previous comment, saying, “That’s what I’m saying. What’s with all the ‘you’re the a**hole’? Gamer buddies’ significant others’ can get an invite, but not the best man’s? The wedding’s a year out, and they clearly think OP and his girlfriend will be broken up by then. Not cool.”

Was OP wrong for wanting his girlfriend to be invited to the ceremony? Do you think the engaged couple deliberately wanted to exclude OP’s partner?

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This post first appeared as He Refused to Attend His Best Friend’s Wedding Because His Girlfriend of Six Months Wasn’t Invited. He’s the Best Man, but It Doesn’t Mean He Can Make Everything About Him! on Quote Ambition.

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Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

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