She’s Fed up With Her Bratty Sons’ Misbehavior. So, to Teach Them a “Real Consequence,” She Cut a 4-Day Family Vacation Short After Less Than 24 Hours and Drove Home

This mom is dreading their four-day family vacation because of her unruly kids’ behavior. Ultimately, she ended up cutting the trip short. Though everyone’s mad, she believes it’s for the best!

Her Three Bundles of Joy

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fab_1

As every mom knows, having kids is both fulfilling and challenging, especially when you have two unruly boys so close in age. This is precisely what happened to OP (Original Poster) and her husband.

They have three kids: two boys aged nine and eight and one three-year-old girl.

At Her Wit’s End

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OP no doubt loves her kids, but this doesn’t mean she doesn’t get frustrated. Her boys drove her and her husband crazy by fighting like cats and dogs.

Serious Conversations

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Asti Mak

She and her husband had been talking with them about respecting each other, but these conversations didn’t work.

OP then added she understood the concept of “sibling rivalry.” Still, her sons’ fights had escalated to the point that it’s been disruptive to the whole family daily.

Getting Shut Down

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OP was so worried about how their four-day family vacation would pan out. However, when she brought up her concerns to her husband and said that she wasn’t sure if they should push through with it, he immediately shut her down.

So, everything went as planned, and they pushed through their three-and-a-half-hour drive to their destination.

A Car Ride From Hell

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The whole time they were on the road was hell for OP.

She wrote, “Boys fighting and riling each other up the whole time. Husband and I kept trying to reassure each other that things would be better once we got there, and they would be too excited to cause trouble.”

Trashing the House

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Roman Samborskyi

OP couldn’t say anything else apart from the fact that she and her husband were wrong. Her kids had “so many reminders of what not to do” once they got to the rental house, but kids being kids, they did the complete opposite of what they were told.

OP shared, “Shoes on the white furniture? Check. Running in the house? Check. I turned my back for two seconds, and the eight-year-old threw a box of chalk in the pool to keep his brother from getting it.”

It Was a Nightmare!

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Unfortunately, her boys’ unruly behavior wasn’t contained in the rental house. They misbehaved in public, too!

OP shared that when they went out to lunch, the boys were “out of control” in the restaurant. Her eldest son even ran away from them in a “strange place” just because he didn’t get his way!

The Beach Was Fun—or Not!

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andrey Yurlov

In the afternoon, the family headed to the beach, and OP said her boys were acting like “brats.” They refused to put on sunscreen and fought over toys.

They also tried “pushing their luck” and repeatedly went farther and farther out in the water than OP and her husband allowed them to. The kids were also cursing!

Enough’s Enough

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By the time the family made it back to the house at dinner time, OP was “fed up.” Her boys’ misbehavior has been ruining the trip for everybody.

Nothing OP and her husband tried had worked, so she told him they needed to go home. She said that the boys needed to see a “real consequence” so they would learn their lesson.

Not on Board With the Idea

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OP’s husband still insisted everything would get better in time, but OP was not having it and put her foot down. She told him that she “didn’t even want to be there” at that point, and she gave him an ultimatum: she would leave alone, or they all were.

Her husband got “super p*****” and told OP she was being ridiculous and unfair to their daughter. OP agreed with the latter but stuck to her decision and said there was “no other choice” at this point.

Breaking the News

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Therealjoco

As expected, the kids burst into tears when OP told them they were going home. They begged to stay and promised to behave, but it was too late.

OP’s mom, who accompanied them, was also in “near tears.” As a grandmother, she thinks her grandkids could do no wrong.

Cutting the Trip Short

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mix and Match Studio

OP’s mom tried arguing with her, begging her to “just let it go.” But again, OP refused to budge; she needed to teach her kids a lesson.

So, in the end, the family left less than 24 hours into their 4-day vacation.

Were You Serious?

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Half the family’s ride home was spent listening to her kids sobbing. On the other hand, OP’s husband gave her the silent treatment the entire way back.

OP’s mom stayed behind a little longer. However, she texted OP every 30 minutes or so, asking if she was serious.

Let the Guilt-Tripping Begin

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Once her mom found out she was serious, she started guilt-tripping her. She said the only reason she came was to spend time with the kids, and now OP had prevented her from doing so.

She accused OP of “ruining the trip for everybody” and said her kids are “only little once.” The day after everything happened, everyone in the house was still mad at her, apart from her three-year-old daughter!

What the Community Thinks

Image Credit: Shutterstock / rarrarorro

Users understood OP’s point of view and suggested that she let her husband and mom deal with her sons—alone—so they could get a taste of what OP experiences daily.

“Momma, you should take your littlest one for a ‘girl’s night out’ and let Dad and Grandma deal with the boys. Or offer separate trips. Sucks, I know, but we’re trying to teach a valuable lesson here, lol. Betcha they’ll be talking about implementing discipline by the time you get back,” suggested one Redditor.

You Did the Right Thing!

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dean Drobot

Other parents also commended OP for sticking to her decision. They noted that, sometimes, these kinds of things need to happen for kids to learn their lessons.

“Our kids knew the same: listen and behave, or we are going home. I’ve taken a misbehaving kid out to the car to let the rest of the family eat in peace. Truth is, I only had to do it once per kid. Lol, they remember. Grabbing the two misbehaving kids and going home is what they needed. Not the a**hole. Lay down the law, set consequences for bad behavior, and follow through every time. They are only kids once, and now is the time to prevent them from being entitled adults,” shared one user.

Another explained, “‘Consequences’ can’t just pop out of nowhere. To have good discipline, you need to say, ‘If you do X, Y will happen,’ and then you follow through every time. If you don’t give that warning, and just spring consequences out of nowhere, sometimes, but not always, they won’t actually learn to listen.”

What do you think of what OP did? Do you think her kids will learn their lesson this time?

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This post first appeared as Her Bratty Sons’ Misbehavior Was Ruining Their Trip. She’s Sick of It, so She Cut Their 4-Day Vacation Short After Less Than 24 Hours to Teach Them a Lesson! on Quote Ambition.

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Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.