Her Sister’s an Adult Actress, and She Got Bullied for It. She’s Had Enough, so She Said She’d “Never Support Her” And Now Her Family’s on the Brink of Falling Apart

She used to have a great relationship with her older half-sister. But everything changed when she took a job as an adult actress. Now her family’s crumbling, and she doesn’t know what to do!

OP’s Half-Sister

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OP (Original Poster) is 16 and has a 29-year-old half-sister from her mom’s first marriage. Despite the age difference, she said they had a good relationship.

An Adult Actress

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However, things started to change when, a few months ago, they found out that she worked as an adult actress.

Things got so bad that her biological father disowned her; this made their mom “super protective,” going out of her way to say that her sister was “this brave, amazing person.” OP wrote, “I didn’t say s*** even when they’d have casual conversations about her work at the dinner table.”

When the Bullying Started

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Unfortunately, someone from OP’s school found out about it a week before this story was posted, and videos have been passed around. OP didn’t tell anyone about her sister, but rumors spread fast since they lived in a small town.

OP wrote, “I sure as s*** didn’t go around showing videos of my sister.” She added, “Summer break has already started, so I can at least hide somewhat from everything. I’m praying another scandal happens before September.”

Her Struggles

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OP didn’t want to go into detail about the bullying that was taking place. However, she said she had lost her friends and was forced to delete all her social media accounts.

She had also been staying in her room most of the time. OP said, “I’ve not been able to even look at my sister.”

Finding Out About the Rumors

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OP planned to keep quiet, but her friend’s mother contacted her mom to ask her about everything that was happening.

She said, “I don’t know what was said, but I heard yelling from my mom’s end. Then she demanded me down to the living room, then called my sister and my dad for a family meeting.”

Why Didn’t You Defend Her?

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OP’s mom was furious at her, asking why she didn’t defend her sister. Her mom also told her to reopen her TikTok account to make a public message defending her and “name shaming basically most of her school.”

She knew this would make matters worse, so she told her no.

Are You Ashamed of Me?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / EverGrump

Her sister was also upset, asking OP why she didn’t defend her. She demanded OP explain why she couldn’t support her.

OP wrote, “I was so angry at this stage I screamed this was all her fault that I will never support her or her life choices and I wished she wasn’t my sister because my life has been hell yet she has the nerve to play the victim.”

Go Inside Your Room!

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Their argument got so bad that OP’s dad had to walk her back to her room and tell her to stay there. Her mom then came in later; she took OP’s phone and told her to pack her stuff because she’d be staying with her dad’s sister for the “foreseeable future.”

She said she “can’t stand” to be around OP right now. OP wrote, “I can hear them in my sister’s room. She’s still crying, and Mom’s comforting her.”

It Is My Business!

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While some people might think OP had no say in her sister’s choices, she believes otherwise.

OP shared, “Yes, she can do what she wants, but I’m being bullied and harassed over it, so it is my business because it’s affecting me.”

Heart-To-Heart Talk With Dad

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One night, OP’s dad came into her room to give her back her phone, and they ended up talking about everything. OP decided to reopen her social media accounts to show her dad what she’s been dealing with; she also told him about what her mom said, which “he got super angry about.”

She said, “My parents have been fighting nonstop since about 6:00 AM, which is scary because I’ve never heard my dad yell before.”

You’re Leaving!

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Her dad told her mom that if anyone was leaving, it was her and her daughter, not OP. However, they ended up being the ones to leave because he was “sick of her ruining everyone’s relationships and lives” over OP’s sister’s career.

OP mentioned, “I think I heard him say he gets some s*** at work too, but I did clearly hear him say he wants a divorce; I don’t know if it was the heat of the moment or if he’s serious, though.”

Her Sister’s Accusations

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After discussing with her dad, OP’s sister came into her room telling her that this “was all her fault.” She also accused OP of being a “disgusting person with internalized misogyny.”

She wrote, “She said I should have come to her, and she would have helped me deal with it by some stupid comebacks that I’ve seen people also mention in the comments. I told her this was all her fault because everything leads back to her, and unlike our mom, I’m not gonna enable her or lie to her about the reality of the situation and what I’m going through is her fault, and I’ll have to probably move schools.”

Breaking Their Bond

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Furious, her sister told her she’d talk to OP when she was “mature enough” to have an adult conversation and “lived in the real world.” In turn, OP said that when she left the house, she would never speak to her sister or their mom again.

OP’s sister then left her room, and she heard her screaming at her dad downstairs. Then, OP locked her door and blasted her music so she wouldn’t hear anything; she also “dared not to open the door” when her mom started knocking.

Leaving the House

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ViDI Studio

Currently, OP’s mom and her sister are out of the house. However, her mom and dad agreed that OP would stay with her dad and go to her aunt’s house for a week so everyone could cool down.

Her dad, however, told her that he might start looking for a permanent place for them to move in without OP’s mom and sister. OP wrote, “But again, he’s angry, so who knows?”

Redditors’ Two Cents

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Diego Thomazini

Redditors confidently came to OP’s defense, acknowledging that she was put in a situation she did not want to be in, which justified her reaction.

“I genuinely can’t understand all of the ‘you’re the a**hole’ votes. You got pulled into something, and you didn’t even lash out about it until your mom decided to make it an issue with you.

Your mom is the a**hole here. And her sending you away because you won’t publicly defend an adult in a controversial lifestyle is insane. Maybe you were wrong to lash out, but you are a teenager who was backed into a corner by a bunch of adults who have some maturing to do. Not the a**hole,” said one Redditor.

Another commented, “While I personally do not see anything wrong with it, as you said, it is still controversial and not socially acceptable. Anyone who works in that industry needs to mentally prepare themselves and accept the fact that there will be many who will disapprove. OP did not agree to that. Moreover, she’s a literal teenager, and teenagers are judgy, and OP will face backlash from her classmates.”

What’s Wrong With Your Mom?

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OP’s mom was also put under the spotlight for how she acted.

“OP is already facing backlash from her classmates. Mom literally wants the victim of widespread bullying to sacrifice herself on the altar of her ‘brave’ sister and invite the bullies to do even worse,” commented one man.

This Redditor agreed, saying, “Yeah, I cannot believe, as a mom, she is expecting her daughter to put an even bigger target on her back! The reality is people judge anyone working in that line of work. She made her bed and now needs to deal with the consequences of her choices. It’s not like she wasn’t aware this was a possibility! You cannot expect a child to come to the defense of an adult, especially when it involves the s** industry! It’s beyond inappropriate! Then to kick her out of her home because she doesn’t want to get involved in an 18-plus situation—definitely not the a**hole!”

What do you think of what OP’s going through? Do you think she deserved to get treated this way by her mom?

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This post first appeared as She Got Bullied Because Her Sister’s an Adult Actress. She’s Had Enough and Said She’d “Never Support Her.” Now Everyone’s Mad at Everyone, and She’s Accused of Being a “Misogynist!” on Quote Ambition.

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