A Disabled Man Refused to Move From Her Table and Started Harassing Her. She Snapped Back, Telling Him That “Being Disabled” Doesn’t Give Him the Right to Be a “Jerk!”

This user was waiting at a table in a restaurant for her to-go order to be ready when a disabled man demanded she move. When she refused, the situation escalated fast!

Where’s the Food?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / AStolnik

OP (Original Poster) was sitting at a table in a fast food restaurant, waiting for her order to be ready.

Her table was in a section close to the “collection point.” That way, she could grab the order and get out fast and efficiently.

Sloppy Drunk

Image Credit: Shutterstock / legenda

After about 10 minutes of waiting, two disabled men and one of their partners entered the restaurant in wheelchairs and placed their orders.

OP could tell they were drunk immediately because their speech was “unfiltered.”

Marking Territory

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Koldunov

Once the drunken group had finished ordering, one of the men “pulls out an alcohol bottle” and places it on OP’s table despite there being an “empty table” right beside her.

At first, OP decided to stay quiet. She figured she’d have her food soon and be out of there anyway.

Unpacking With Ulterior Motives

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Anatoliy Karlyuk

However, as the group got their order, the one man who had placed his alcohol bottle on OP’s table began to unpack all of their food onto her table.

Could You Go Somewhere Else?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cookie Studio

OP had enough at this point and politely asked the man to “move his stuff to the next table,” as she was still sitting at the table and waiting.

Blowing Things Out of Proportion

Image Credit: Shutterstock / silverkblackstock

While the man’s friend said it was “no problem,” OP’s request set the main guy off.

He immediately launched into a tirade, saying, “Oh, it’s your table, is it?” He also complained about his “having such a good night until this” and started acting very “entitled.”

About to Explode

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ShotPrime Studio

During his entire tantrum, OP’s anger had been simmering. She had just finished an “insanely stressful shift at a bar or club,” and having a man verbally abuse her was “pulling on her last nerve.”

First Come, First Served

Image Credit: Shutterstock / SB Arts Media

The man continued his drunken rambling and said something along the lines of “just because you were here first doesn’t give you the right” to OP.

To which OP retorted, “And just because you’re disabled doesn’t make you any less of an a**hole.”

Playing Cards

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kues

Upon hearing this, the man said, “Oh! Using the disabled card? Ooooh!”

He mocked OP and talked to his friend about how she had used the “disabled card.”

Racism To-Go

Image Credit: Shutterstock / studio2sim

In what OP recognized as an apparent attempt to “provoke more of a reaction” from her, the man called her a “n****” twice.

OP managed to keep her calm and not react throughout the harassment. Finally, her food arrived, and she exited the restaurant before the “situation escalated any further.”

Different Races

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cast Of Thousands

Reddit had a lot of requests for clarification and further details, so OP revisited her post and edited additional comments into it.

She revealed she is a “mixed race” woman with “dark brown skin.” The harasser she dealt with was an “older White man,” his friend was a “middle-aged White man,” and who she believed was either a spouse or caretaker was a “middle-aged White woman.”

Source of Food

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Olena Zaskochenko

OP then expounded on where she had been waiting for her food. Many Redditors had thought it was a McDonald’s, but OP revealed it was a “Mediterranean grill place.”

She also reiterated that there were four other tables precisely like the one she had been sitting at, all scattered nearby. She added that this had not occurred in America but in Wales.

Not Dissing on Disabled People

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Studio GL

Because there had been claims she had “something against people with physical disabilities,” OP explained that it had been the man’s “entitlement” that had “infuriated” her.

She wanted everyone to understand her retort had meant to get across the belief that “having a disability doesn’t give you higher authority over others that don’t share your burden.” She believed all people deserved “equivalent respect.”

Redditors’ Two Cents

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Diego Thomazini

The community was on OP’s side and was angry on her behalf that someone had called her a racial slur.

One user said, “Not the a**hole. Normally, I would say not to bring their disability up when insulting them, but they were acting like entitled d*********, and they’re racist on top of it, so they deserve it.”

Another Redditor commented, “Not the a**hole. After the racist comment, I feel like ‘don’t worry, I’ll be the bigger person and walk away since you can’t’ would have been justified.”

Justified Response

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Luis Molinero

Redditors understood what OP felt. But they also jumped to her defense, saying what she did and how she reacted was proportionate to what she went through.

Someone wrote, “I don’t blame you at all, and you had every right. This should not have happened to you, and it makes me angry.”

The same person added, “You’re a better human being than I am; I think you were fully justified. You could have at least played the Joey Tribbiani card and, when they started setting out their food on your table, pulled out a fork and said, ‘Alright! What are we having?’”

Do you think OP should have given up her table to the disabled men? Was OP right to snap at the disabled man and refuse to move?

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This post first appeared as A Disabled Man Refused to Move From Her Table and Started Harassing Her. She Snapped Back, Telling Him That “Being Disabled” Doesn’t Give Him the Right to Be a “Jerk!” on Quote Ambition.

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Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.