An Entitled Mom Left Her Rowdy Kids at the Movie Theater and Didn’t Pick Them Up When They Got Kicked Out. Now She’s Threatening to Sue, but It’s Not Their Fault

This Redditor works in a movie theater and shared her first-hand experiences when a bunch of rowdy kids and an entitled mom tried to make a scene!

Weekly Happenings

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tyler Olson

OP (Original Poster) worked in a movie theater, and entitled kids and parents are what she dealt with every week.

She shared that many customers acted like their theater was their “personal babysitting service.” Then they would freak out when they couldn’t find their kids and put the blame on the employees instead.

Kids Running Amok

Image Credit: Shutterstock / dodotone

She mentioned that she would not be going into detail about how the kids acted because that was for another post, and she’d already shared similar stories before.

However, as a quick overview of what happened, OP shared snippets of how the kids acted, leading to them getting kicked out. She wrote, “They get tickets, but instead of staying in their auditorium, they hop from one movie to another. We repeatedly get noise complaints until we decide, ‘No, you’re not getting a refund or compensation for causing trouble and were asked repeatedly to stop.’”

You Need to Leave

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cookie Studio

Because of this, the kids were told they needed to call their parents and leave. In return, the kids said, “We’ll call our parents, friends, or relatives to pick us up.”

However, OP noted that no one would come or the ones who would pick them up “took their time” because the kids were running around in the lobby, still causing trouble and trying to sneak back into the auditoriums.

No One Came

Image Credit: Shutterstock / RealPeopleStudio

When the employees and the manager had had enough, and because it was already closing time, they had to kick out the kids officially.

It was already time to lock up and clean, after all.

Knock, Knock!

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Pixel-Shot

However, after a while, OP heard knocks, and someone said, “Can I come and wait inside?” OP refused and explained they were already closed.

However, they argued and said it was cold outside, and their parents weren’t there yet. The manager replied, “There’s a gas station across the parking lot you can wait at; go there. We’re closed.”

After Hours

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OP shared that this would usually happen until security approaches them. Then they would “bolt away.”

This all happened before the rise of Uber and Lyft, so the only choice they would have had was to take a taxi. However, OP’s not sure how late taxis ran since, usually, these happened at almost around midnight.

Leaving the Area

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Golubovy

When OP and her colleagues finished cleaning up and closing, it was pitch black outside. Her ride was already waiting for her outside, and security ensured everyone got into their cars before heading back inside.

She shared, “I see these teens just hanging out just outside the building—around the far sides of the building—but afterward, I’m not sure how they got home since it’s not my job to babysit them.”

A Furious Mom

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The next day, she heard an entitled mom screaming. The mom said, “Why did you make my babies walk home in the dark? They could’ve been kidnapped!”

Then, security came over and tried to talk to her. He said, “Ma’am, we had your teens call you repeatedly, but no one responded, and we were closing.”

I’m Suing Everyone!

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This did not calm her down at all. In fact, it made her even angrier.

The mom continued screaming, saying, “So you’re okay with letting kids get kidnapped? How dare you? I’m going to sue you all and get all of you people fired!”

Not Our Fault

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jihan Nafiaa Zahri

After this, the mom stormed off and never appeared at the movie theater again.

OP reiterated, “Again, we’re a movie theater, not a free babysitting service. It’s your own fault for not picking up your own kids or teens. Don’t expect us to drop your own kids or teens off at home for you.”

You Should Pick Up Your Kids

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Studio Romantic

For OP, it’s the parents’ job to ensure their kids are safe, not the movie theater’s employees.

She wrote, “If one of the night managers literally bikes two hours home in the dark ‘cause she doesn’t have a working car, then you can afford to come to pick up your kids or teens, Karen.”

The Community’s Suggestions

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Prathankarnpap

Redditors understood how frustrating it could be to deal with someone like the mom OP and her colleagues dealt with.

One said, “Ugh, my head hurts just thinking about the amount of times Karens accuse me of the most stupidest things, especially if it’s not within my control and they believe it is my fault. It makes me just want to get mad at them or want to have a meltdown.”

People Need to Be Kinder

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Roman Samborskyi

Some people also pointed out how humanity needs to be a bit kinder.

This Redditor noted, “I think every job that interacts with the public at all gets blamed for things that are beyond their control because that’s just how people are sometimes, although I genuinely think it’s becoming more of a problem now than it was at any other time.”

What Is Wrong With People?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cookie Studio

Some users also expressed frustration with how people treat each other, especially strangers.

One asked, “What the hell is wrong with people these days? Did she expect you to tuck them in and read them a bedtime story?” Another commented, “I think, at this point, you would be done quicker if you asked, ‘What isn’t wrong with people?’”

What do you think about what the entitled mom did? How would you react if you were in OP’s shoes?

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This post first appeared as Entitled Karen Threatens to Sue a Movie Theater for Kicking Her Rowdy Kids Out and Not Letting Them In! But They Said, “We’re Not a Free Babysitting Service.” on Quote Ambition.

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Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.