He Inherited a $500,000 Beach House and Turned It Into an Airbnb, While His Sister Squandered Her Equal Share. She Finds It “Unfair” That He Profits While She Can’t Use It Freely!

It’s not OP’s (Original Poster) fault that he was smart with the inheritance he received. But was he being unfair when he made an Airbnb out of the beach house he got?

A Huge Estate

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jester-Flim

Around six months before this story was posted, OP’s grandfather died. However, he left behind a whopping $1,500,000 to be split between OP, his sister, and his cousin.

Split Into Three

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Vitalii Vodolazskyi

In OP’s grandfather’s will, he mentioned that the estate would be divided equally.

OP wrote, “His estate was basically two cash amounts, and the other share was his beach home in California.”

No Specifics

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jihan Nafiaa Zahri

However, even though OP’s grandfather was specific about it being split equally, he wasn’t particular about what would go to who.

He only stated that the eldest of the three got to choose what they wanted, then the second, then the youngest, which was OP.

What They Got

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mark Winfrey

OP’s older sister and cousin each got $500,000, while OP got the beach house.

He wrote, “For the last six months, I’ve allowed my sister to stay in the house whenever she likes.”

Getting Taxed

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Eviart

However, OP just got his first tax bill. Looking at the amount, he either had to sell the beach house or make some income off of it.

Asking For Help

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

So, after OP talked to a real estate agent, they came to the conclusion that his best course of action was to put it up on Airbnb.

OP said, “That way, I can still use it if I like, but my sister can pay me to use it if she still wants to go there; basically, there’s not someone renting full-time.”

She Disagreed With Him

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Roman Samborskyi

Needless to say, OP’s sister was not impressed with his decision. More than that, she’s “furious at OP for so many reasons.”

She’s Upset

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ShotPrime Studio

OP’s sister is upset that she can no longer use the beach house for free. Apart from that, she told OP that he’s becoming a “rent-seeking capitalist who is going to ruin the neighborhood.”

He explained the area had been a “total classic surf neighborhood since the 1950s.”

No End to Her Fury

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tong_stocker

Unfortunately, OP’s sister still hadn’t let go of the issue.

OP said she’d sent him “angry email after angry email,” calling him “all sorts of names.”

It’s Unfair!

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Luis Molinero

Apart from this, OP’s sister also told him what he did was “unfair.”

He wrote, “It’s not fair because her inheritance is gone for her debts, but I still make money from mine, and that if she had chosen the house, I could stay there any time I want.”

Feeling Guilty

Image Credit: Shutterstock / PeopleImages.com – Yuri A

Because OP often looks up to his older sister, he feels a bit pressured.

He said he’d always been “impressionable” to what she says to him, and now, he’s “feeling a lot of guilt and shame” for what she told him.

What the Community Has to Say

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Boumen Japet

For Redditors, OP’s sister is clearly guilt-tripping him, and he shouldn’t allow her to shake him up.

This user said, “NTA. She’s welcome to either rent it or buy it off you with that $500,000 she now has. She even had the option to pick it, and she herself thinks money is more important. Of course, you’re feeling guilty; that’s what a ‘guilt trip’ is supposed to do to its victim! Your sister is 100000000000000000000000% in the wrong here.”

Your Options

Image Credit: Shutterstock / A.D.S.Portrait

Some noted OP could opt to give his sister a “break on rent,” but since she’s acting like a jerk, maybe he shouldn’t.

“Not the a**hole. You didn’t sell the house, and she has the opportunity to see when it’s available. Maybe you could give her a break on the rent, but considering she’s an a**hole, maybe not,” suggested one Redditor. Another said, “I would have a ‘If nobody else wants to be in it, you can use it for free,’ but it sounds like the times she would want to use it would be the times of most high demand. I mean, if you have no bookings, then you have no bookings. If the sister wasn’t a spoon, then she could have had a nice little place to chill in the off-season for free. Instead, she burnt the wood for the soon-to-be-built bridge and is upset she has to swim.”

A Typical Behavior

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Studio Romantic

There were also some users who noted OP’s sister is a “typical rich brat.”

This person wrote, “So it’s a typical rich brat who thinks she can spend her money how she wants while living rent-free from people who owe her and has a high-class snobbish attitude. ‘Oh, you’re ruining this neighborhood.’ Not really surprised that after the will comes out and the inheritance is split, there’s some sort of fallout.” Another commented, “Not the a**hole. It is worse than that since it looks like the sister thought that she could have $500,000 and use the beach house whenever she wants for free while you are saddened with property taxes. That’s why she did not pick it so she could have both. Your sister is extremely entitled and manipulative. If she wants to stay in your beach house, she has to pay.”

What should OP do? Was he being too much?

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This post first appeared as He Turned the $500,000 Beach House He Inherited Into an Airbnb While His Sister Squandered Her Share. She’s Furious, Saying It’s “Unfair” He Profits From It While She’s in Debt! on Quote Ambition.

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Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.