If you feel unmotivated to keep going because you have no idea what your life is for, then this list of the best purpose quotes is perfect for you!
People feel fulfilled when they live a purposeful life.
When we live by our purpose, we’re constantly being guided in every aspect of our lives. Without it, we might be prone to demotivation and giving up.
But, despite the need, not everyone can easily identify their “why,” and that’s alright. It takes time to actually know what you live for.
So, in the meantime, gain some inspiration to find your purpose in this collection of quotes we’ve prepared for you.
Let’s begin.
And make sure to read these inspirational quotes and powerful quotes.
Best Purpose Quotes
1. “Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.” – W. Clement Stone
2. “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.” – Viktor Frankl
3. “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” – Robert Byrne
4. “We all have a purpose in life, and when you find yours you will recognize it.” – Catherine Pulsifer
5. “Each of us is born for a purpose, and we want our lives to matter. I don’t think it’s unique to only some of us—it’s a longing of every human being.” – Garrett Gravesen
6. “Your purpose must be particular to you. This is the road less traveled. Your purpose cannot be someone else’s path, not your family’s path nor your friends’ path.” – Drew Scott Pearlman
7. “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
8. “To begin to think with purpose is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment.” – James Allen
9. “Great minds have purposes, others have wishes.” – Washington Irving
10. “Purpose is the quality we choose to shape our lives around.” – Richard J. Leider
11. “If you have a strong purpose in life, you don’t have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there.” – Roy T. Bennett
12. “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.” – Bishop T.D. Jakes
13. “Having a purpose is the difference between making a living and making a life.” – Tom Thiss
14. “Inspiration in life is born when we have a purpose.” – Daniel Longwe
15. “Figure out what your purpose is in life, what you really and truly want to do with your time and your life, then be willing to sacrifice everything and then some to achieve it. If you are not willing to make the sacrifice, then keep searching.” – Quintina Ragnacci
Famous Purpose Quotes
16. “Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.” – Buddha
17. “The two most important days in life are the day you are born and the day you discover the reason why.” – Mark Twain
18. “The person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.” – Thomas Carlyle
19. “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” – John F. Kennedy
20. “When you find your why, you don’t hit snooze no more! You find a way to make it happen!” – Eric Thomas
21. “Nothing is more creative—nor destructive—than a brilliant mind with a purpose.” – Dan Brown
22. “To forget one’s purpose is the commonest form of stupidity.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
23. “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
24. “The soul which has no fixed purpose in life is lost. To be everywhere is to be nowhere.” – Michel de Montaigne
25. “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Also read: Famous Quotes, Positive Quotes
Motivational Purpose Quotes That Will Push You to Find Your Calling
26. “Understanding purpose is one thing, but recognizing the importance of having purpose is another. Everybody has a unique purpose in their life, whether it be to help others, provide for the family, or be free.” – Ben Gothard
27. “I believe purpose is something for which one is responsible—it’s not just divinely assigned.” – Michael J. Fox
28. “If you want to know what your purpose is, it is to make the most of your talents and skills for the greater good, and that means starting with yourself.” – Tony Clark
29. “Knowing your purpose gives your life meaning, simplicity, focus, and motivation. It also prepares you for eternity.” – Rick Warren
30. “Live for something, have a purpose. And that purpose keep in view.” – Robert Whitaker
31. “If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily.” – Jack Canfield
32. “Knowing your life’s purpose is the first step toward living a truly conscious life. A life purpose provides us with a clear goal, a set finish line that you truly want to reach.” – Simon Foster
33. “One thing is for sure, though, without a purpose, without a stated direction, you can wander around this world and play at life and not accomplish anything of significance and meaning.” – Byron Pulsifer
Also read: Encouraging Quotes
Purpose Quotes to Secure Your Happiness
34. “Perhaps the single most important ingredient in all of life for achieving happiness and fulfillment—purpose.” – Harvey Volson
35. “Not everybody can identify a purpose in life. But when you do, and when you pursue it, you will be living the kind of life you feel you were meant to live. And what’s more, you will be happy.” – Steve Goodier
36. “When you stay on purpose and refuse to be discouraged by fear, you align with the infinite self, in which all possibilities exist.” – Wayne Dyer
37. “Happy are those whose purpose has found them.” – Anonymous
38. “True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” – Helen Keller
Also read: Happiness Quotes
Purpose Quotes to Contribute to a Better Humanity
39. “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” – Pablo Picasso
40. “Giving so that others may be helped is a purpose of life that we should all embrace.” – Byron Pulsifer
41. “The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to make things better.” – Robert F. Kennedy
42. “The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” – Mitch Albom
43. “Discovering your purpose is the most significant thing you will do in your life, and you, your loved ones, and the world will be better off because you went on this journey.” – Mastin Kipp
44. “Everyone has a purpose in life and a unique talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.” – Kallam Anji Reddy
45. “The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.” – Albert Schweitzer
46. “Purpose is the place where your deep gladness meets the world’s needs.” – Frederick Buechner
Purpose Quotes for a More Meaningful Career
47. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – Steve Jobs
48. “But sometimes a particular purpose can be squared with a particular career. It may take nothing more than reexamining your career, asking some questions, and discovering a purpose you have overlooked in the past.” – Vince Lombardi Jr.
49. “Make your work to be in keeping with your purpose.” – Leonardo da Vinci
50. “Purpose is not a noun; it is a verb. It is about how we work. We experience purpose when we do something that’s greater than ourselves. We experience purpose when we push ourselves and grow. We experience purpose as part of a community.” – Aaron Hurst
Did These Quotes Inspire You to Search for Your Purpose?
We only have one life to live, and we must make the most out of it by being happy and fulfilled. One way to achieve this is by living with a purpose, which is usually found either by being aware of your passion from the start or through trial and error.
Sadly, most of us have to discover our purpose through trial and error. We always have to try out new things and see if it’s a good fit for us or not. It can also help to make the process easier if we constantly self-reflect on our goals, beliefs, advocacies, and motivations.
Remember that even if others find their purpose earlier in life, it doesn’t mean you are doing poorly. Purpose is unique for everyone, and so is the process of discovering it. As long as you are true to yourself and are constantly working on your personal growth, you’ll get there in no time.
With that, we hope that this list of quotes was able to give you insight into the importance of having a purpose in life. As you go through the journey of finding your own, feel free to return to this collection for guidance and inspiration. We are always rooting for your growth, so focus, reflect, and have clarity on your purpose!