She Refused to Give Her Deadbeat Father the Huge Inheritance She Received From Her Grandfather. Now He’s Emotionally Blackmailing Her and Calling Her a “Thief!”

This Redditor planned to keep the hefty inheritance she received from her grandfather all to herself. Her father demanded she give it up, and even if she refused, he’d do anything for the money!

An Unremarkable Childhood

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OP (Original Poster) started her post with some background about her upbringing. According to her, her parents never planned for her birth.

Because of that, she never had a stable relationship with them.

The Only Way to Get Rid of Her

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

Since OP’s parents were young and inexperienced, they couldn’t afford to take her to daycare. Having no options, they sent her away to her grandma’s house while they worked and made a living.

Growing Up Rebellious

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cookie Studio

As the years went by, OP got used to what her parents did and her current living arrangements. However, she never saw them as “real parents or an authority figure.”

Due to this, she became a rebel and would “purposely p*** them off,” especially when they forced her to become a “lady.” She shared, “Yeah, it was that kind of household.”

Unreasonable Parenting

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Due to how her parents treated her, it’s no surprise that she would always talk back to and argue with them. Even if she tried to state facts, they never heeded whatever she said.

According to OP, “They were the type of parents that would ground you for no reason at all, just because ‘they’d say so.’”

Their Emotional Manipulation

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OP grew up with her parents trying to emotionally manipulate her. They would control her actions, forbidding her to go out or visit her friends.

Cryptic words like, “The situation was harsh,” were the only explanation they would give her whenever she was prohibited from going to other people’s places.

She Was Never Enough

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Roman Samborskyi

Contrary to how her parents are toward her, OP’s brother and sister are treated better. She realized that she was the neglected one.

If that wasn’t enough to make her feel bad, her parents would always shame her for not being “enough.”

A Deadbeat Father

Image Credit: Shutterstock / MPH Photos

Meanwhile, OP’s father was not the responsible type, as he didn’t have a stable job. Aside from not having any income, he had a huge credit card debt.

In OP’s words, “He’s honestly a piece of s*** who never settled with my family and lived off my grandfather and my mother’s income.”

Her Father’s Excuse

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Spectral-Design

The only thing shielding OP’s father from his responsibilities was his excuse of having a “certain progressive disease.” He had used that in his favor all his life.

Living Independently

Image Credit: Shutterstock / NDAB Creativity

Eventually, OP decided to move out. She also found a girlfriend to live with.

Living away from her toxic family, she felt a lot better. So far, everything has been great.

The Bittersweet Pot of Gold

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Motortion Films

Unfortunately, it hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows for OP for long, as she received the news that her grandfather had passed away. He was the real provider for all her needs—financial, emotional, and more—and she was devastated.

Despite the heartbreaking news, OP’s grandfather didn’t leave her with nothing. In fact, he bestowed a large inheritance that she could keep all to herself.

Her Father Wanted It

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Koldunov

After learning about the money, it’s no surprise that OP’s father wanted it. He tried convincing her by saying it’s OP’s grandmother’s money.

OP’s grandmother is still alive, but she clarified in her edit that her grandma was too old and clueless about what to do. So, she really wasn’t sure which side she was on.

Oozing With Desperation

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Song_about_summer

Desperate to break OP, her father sent her emails and messages daily. But instead of kind words, he would resort to calling her “a thief,” “a piece of s***,” and “a junkie.”

He also tried dragging her to the bank, but she wouldn’t budge. However, despite his attempts, the bank didn’t want to deal with him since he was not the beneficiary.

They Would Do Anything for the Money!

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cast Of Thousands

OP might be the unluckiest person in the world to be born to parents like hers, as they seemed to be on the same side against her.

Regardless, OP guessed they needed that money badly because no matter how much she refused, they would emotionally extort her.

The Sole Beneficiary

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Zhanna Hapanovich

Even though OP’s dad claimed the inheritance was “grandpa and grandma’s money,” the bank still stated she was the sole beneficiary.

The inheritance was a payoff from a student loan covered by her grandpa’s insurance. OP spent over two years adding money to it, which her grandparents gave back.

They Had Everything to Lose

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Per OP’s edit, her parents were cared for with pensions and a farm worth half a million dollars, but it’s a total loss. She added, “I just don’t understand why they need this quick bailout or why they can’t file the necessary paperwork to kick in the insurance policy and start receiving their pension.”

So, despite all the threats, OP’s confident her dad has everything to lose legally. “He’s so broke he wouldn’t be able to afford a lawyer anyways.”

She Could Never Trust Him!

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kazantseva Olga

Knowing her father so well, OP believed something fishy was going on. She said, “Everything is all just so sketchy, and I don’t trust my dad at all.”

To support this, she added, “My dad is drowning in debt and can’t be trusted with expenditures.”

Redditors’ Reactions

Image Credit: Shutterstock / rafapress

Redditors took OP’s side and advised her to cut ties with her toxic family.

The top commenter said, “Not the a**hole. You’re listed as the beneficiary; everyone else can pound sand. Also, do you need to keep your abusive parents in your life? Seems like a perfect time to go no contact.”

Another stated, “Not the a**hole if the situation is as you describe. I would cut ties with all of them and live your life. I watch too many people fail to rise up to their potential because of an imaginary obligation to family.”

Don’t Forget About Grandma

Image Credit: Shutterstock / evrymmnt

Despite her parents being the worst people OP could ever meet, Redditors reminded her how she could still help her grandma if she wanted to.

One Redditor suggested, “If you choose to help your grandma, I would suggest clarifying what you’re willing to do. You know, the whole nine yards. Make arrangements directly. Don’t let anyone else get involved. Don’t let the discussion turn emotional. Depending on how large the sum is, maybe even get a lawyer in on thing—if you’re intent on helping her.”

Another commenter added, “Not the a**hole. I would suggest filing a cease and desist against your dad and escalating to a restraining order if he won’t stop harassing you. Then sit down with your grandmother and explain that there is no world in which you hand out free money that will end up in your father’s hands. That you want to help see her comfortable in her retirement, but that doesn’t mean a money faucet that she can funnel to her son. Either you can manage her finances directly or, if she would prefer, you can hire a neutral party to do it for you, but it does not mean throwing money into a farm-shaped hole and setting it on fire or letting your dad work his way into more debt. If she turns you down, she turns you down. Your grandfather probably knew that was a possibility when he made this decision.”

Knowing what OP has gone through, do you think it was right for her to keep the money for herself? Or do you want to give her parents the benefit of the doubt?

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This post first appeared as She Refused to Give Her Deadbeat Father the Hefty Inheritance She Received From Her Grandfather. Now He’s Emotionally Blackmailing Her and Calling Her a “Thief” So She’d Give In! on Quote Ambition.

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Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.