She Refused to Give Her So-Called Family a Cent of the Hefty Inheritance She Received From Her Grandfather. They Said She Being “Vindictive,” but They Don’t Deserve Her Forgiveness!

This user got almost all of her grandfather’s estate. Now her so-called family is hounding her for their share, but she’ll never give in after what they did to her!

Snake-Like Sister

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jihan Nafiaa Zahri

OP (Original Poster) started her story by sharing that she was in a “messy family situation.” She then explained that her fiancé cheated on her with her older sister four years before this story was posted.

She wrote, “We had never had a good relationship even as kids, so after I found out, I went and scorched Earth both of them.”

Regrets and Biased Parents

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Her sister was “so in love” with her fiancé, but he dumped her after two weeks. He also tried getting OP to forgive him, but she never did.

Initially, OP’s parents were on her side. But after her sister had a nervous breakdown after the breakup and was hospitalized, OP’s parents changed their thoughts to something along the lines of, “It’s over now, and you can’t be mad forever.”

Ending Their Bond

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Red Fox studio

Because of this, OP not only dumped her fiancé, but she also dumped her parents. She then went to graduate school on the other side of the country.

Sole Supporter

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OP’s grandfather, on the other hand, wasn’t anything like her parents. In fact, he was “livid,” disowned her sister, and chewed out her parents for what they did.

She wrote, “Sometimes, it felt like he was the only one who was on my side and understood.”

Caring for Her Grandfather

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After graduate school, she found a job that let her work remotely; she then moved back to care for her grandfather when he got sick. OP found comfort in her grandfather, so she was absolutely devastated when he passed away a couple of months before this story was posted.

She wrote, “I had been in limited contact with my parents since I came back, mostly because I didn’t want to be an obstacle to my dad seeing my grandfather, but with the understanding that any discussion of my sister or what happened would end that.”

Division of Assets

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cagkan Sayin

OP was left with almost all of his estate when her grandfather died. Her grandfather did leave enough for her dad to cover his debts and some “token stuff” for other relatives, but the rest of his assets went to OP.

Unexpected Inheritance

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Though OP knew that his grandfather had “done well for himself,” he lived a simple lifestyle. Because of this, OP never expected how much money and assets he had.

However, even though she’s much richer, she would give everything up to get her grandfather back. She added, “Even after taxes, it is set-for-life money.”

Uncontestable Will

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Asti Mak

In her post, OP explained that even if her parents or other relatives had something to say about the will, they could do nothing.

OP wrote, “He wrote letters for everyone and did a videotape with his attorney explaining what his intentions were.”

Money-Hungry Family

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It was a good thing OP’s grandfather planned ahead because when the division of assets was announced, OP’s parents started getting mad, especially since they got close to nothing. She wrote, “One of the reasons stated for cutting them out was how disappointed my grandfather was with how they had treated me growing up versus my sister and over the fiance debacle.”

She noted that there were other reasons, but it was what her parents were “fixated on.”

Their Only Chance

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OP’s grandfather ensured OP was protected, so the will was “pretty airtight.” The only way for her parents and sister to get more money is if OP voluntarily gives up part of her share.

So, OP’s parents want her to “do the right thing” and split it evenly into four.

We Need the Money!

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Her parents argued that they “need the money more” than OP.

OP wrote, “I make more than both of them combined, and this would allow them to retire. My sister is not doing great and can’t hold a job, so this would ensure she has something for when my parents pass.”

Crystal Clear Intentions

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Despite pressure from her parents, OP doesn’t want to give them more money. She said her grandfather’s wishes were crystal clear, and she doesn’t feel like doing more than the minimum for any of them.

You’re Bitter and Angry!

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Her parents have been telling her that she’s being “vindictive” because of a “mistake” that happened years ago. While OP can’t deny that there’s zero vindictiveness, she still feels like they don’t deserve the money.

She added, “I don’t want them to suffer necessarily, but I also don’t feel like they deserve my help.”

The Community’s Thoughts

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Diego Thomazini

For Redditors, OP’s family would do her more harm than good. So, it might be best if she just cut all her connections with them.

One said, “Not the a**hole. I’m so sorry your Pawpaw has gone. He sounds very loving and interesting by the way you speak about him here. That said, set your family connections on fire and walk away. That’s what he would have wanted, and he granted you the means to do so. Walk tall, you’ve earned this.”

Another person commented, “This is kind of how I feel about it. I feel like he left her that much so she’d hopefully never have a reason to reach back out to them and could just live her life. Not the a**hole.”

There Shouldn’t Be Any Guilt!

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People also wanted OP to let go of any feelings of guilt. She’s only following her grandfather’s wishes, and her family doesn’t deserve her good graces!

“Exactly. Not the a**hole. OP should not feel any guilt for following her grandfather’s wishes. He knew what he was doing. If anyone worries about her sister, just point out that your sister can inherit everything from their parents someday since OP has—rightly—distanced herself and has no need of it,” commented one woman.

Another said, “Frankly, I’d consider it disrespectful of OP to ignore his wishes and give them money when he made it absolutely, explicitly clear he didn’t want them to have it.”

Do you think it’s selfish if OP chooses not to give her family a cent? What should OP do next?

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This post first appeared as She Refused to Share the Hefty Inheritance She Received From Her Grandfather With Her “Family.” They Said She’s “Vindictive,” but They Don’t Deserve a Cent After What They Did! on Quote Ambition.

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Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.