She Refused to Let Her “Untrustworthy” Mom Babysit Her Three-Month-Old Son After She Gave Him Food He Could’ve Been Allergic To. Now She’s Accused of “Overreacting” and Being “Ungrateful!”

This user had her mother babysit her three-month-old son so that she and her husband could safely finish home renovations. When she discovered her mother had given her baby corn syrup, she became infuriated!

It Takes a Village

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OP (Original Poster) is a 25-year-old married woman with a three-month-old son. She and her husband were renovating their house, so they had her mother babysit their son for two days so they could safely complete the task.

DIY Renovations

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They were renovating themselves, as they couldn’t “afford to hire help.” Since her mother lives “over two hours away,” having their baby stay the night with her was more manageable.

Tummy Ache

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Her son was still “exclusively breastfed,” but OP failed to give her mother enough pumped milk. When her mother ran out of pumped milk, she switched to formula to continue feeding him.

Unfortunately, this led to her son having an upset belly, and he spent the “whole night screaming” at her mother’s house.

In the Dark

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The next day, OP asked her mother how her son had done. Instead of being honest with her, her mother told her that he was “just a little fussy.”

Failure to Get Consent

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Later, unbeknownst to OP, her grandmother suggested that her mom try including “corn syrup in his bottle to help him poop.”

Her mother didn’t bother to ask her if she was okay with this, nor did she do any research online to look up the “risks.” She just went ahead and “did it.”

Can’t Always Trust Old Traditions

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OP shared that corn syrup is an “old remedy” they used to do when OP’s grandmother was young. It can supposedly help to relieve constipation in babies.

Unknown Dangers

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However, nowadays, corn syrup isn’t recommended as a remedy because it can cause “botulism.” OP noted there was also the risk that her three-month-old son could’ve had an “allergic reaction” to the corn syrup, which can be extremely dangerous—even fatal—for a baby as young as him.

Horrifying Discovery

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When OP arrived to pick up her son the next day, she discovered what her mother had done. Understandably and expectedly, she was immediately “p*****.”

Telling It Like It Is

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She told her mother that she “didn’t appreciate” her giving her baby “something new without looking up the side effects” or consulting with her first.

Doubling Down

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Instead of apologizing for her mistake, OP’s mother became “really defensive.” She told OP that she was “overreacting” and that she and her grandma “knew more than her” because she had “only been a mom for three months.”

Laying It on Heavy

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Her mother continued her tirade, saying, “At least I told you!”

She also argued that she was doing OP a “favor” by watching her baby “for free.” Her mother added that if the baby were in her care, she’d have a “final say” about what to do and needed to “trust her judgment” and not be “ungrateful.”

Access Denied

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OP was fed up with her mother and told her that she couldn’t “trust her to watch” her son anymore because she was too “comfortable exposing him to new things” without her consent.

As icing on the cake to that decision, OP also noted that her mother had unwittingly “admitted that she’s comfortable hiding things” from her by saying, “At least I told you,” to her.

Redditors Voice Their Opinions

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Diego Thomazini

The community wholeheartedly supported OP and her decision not to allow her mother to watch her son unsupervised.

A user with the top-upvoted comment said, “Not the a**hole at all. You know what your baby needs, and you told your mother that. She didn’t listen to you and brought your baby in danger. She showed no remorse when you told her what she did and doubled down. And then she even admitted that she wouldn’t be above lying to you about such things. I’d not leave your son in her care in the future anymore. She obviously can’t be trusted with him.”

Another Redditor said, “My stepmom always tells me to give my kids aspirin and cough syrup if sick. I told her these are not recommended for kids their age anymore. Then I always get the eye roll and the ‘Well, it didn’t kill us, did it?’ Technically, it killed some of them, so aspirin is no longer recommended.”

So Many Lives Lost

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Asti Mak

Many users shared stories they’d heard of children losing their lives or suffering an injury because of situations similar to OP’s.

One Redditor commented, “Years ago, my doctor had a three-year-old patient who became deaf after being given aspirin. She had an allergic reaction. I felt so bad for her. Unfortunately, it was irreversible. Imagine the guilt that parent no doubt still feels. Your child, your rules.”

Another user added, “Yep. This situation is similar to that woman who killed one of her twin granddaughters by putting coconut oil in her hair, even after being repeatedly warned the child was allergic because she knew best. The only thing separating these two women is sheer dumb luck.”

Do you think OP is correct to keep her baby away from her mother until she realizes her fault? Or do you think OP overreacted and should have more faith in her mom?

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This post first appeared as She Refused to Let Her “Untrustworthy” Mom Babysit Her Three-Month-Old Son After She Gave Him Food He Could’ve Been Allergic To. Now She’s Accused of “Overreacting” and Being “Ungrateful!” on Quote Ambition.

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Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.