These American Horror Story quotes are perfect for everyone who loves scary and creepy movies and series!
American Horror Story is well-known for its gruesome acts and violence that will make you cringe. And, as a Golden Globe winner for Best Television Series, you might agree that it’s not your average horror show.
Because of its clever lines and great dialogue, it became a household name worldwide. No matter where you are, we’re sure you’ve heard of American Horror Story in one way or another.
So, whether you’re an avid fan of the series or not, these quotes will definitely entertain you—and maybe even scare you. Make sure you don’t miss out on this classic by reading through to the end!
Check the full list here.
And don’t forget to read these Schitt’s Creek quotes and The Vampire Diaries quotes.
Best American Horror Story Quotes
1. “Normal people scare me.” – Tate Langdon
2. “Oh honey, goddesses don’t speak in whispers—they scream.” – The Countess
3. “The cruelest thing of all is false hope.” – Sister Jude
4. “If you love someone, you should never hurt them.” – Tate Langdon
5. “Living with secrets is not healthy.” – Oliver Thredson
6. “Messes are always forgiven the first time.” – The Countess
7. “Mental illness is the fashionable explanation for sin.” – Sister Jude
8. “Life is too short for so much sorrow.” – Nora Montgomery
9. “If you want to feel the magic of cause and effect you have to have a purpose.” – Liz Taylor
10. “If you look into the face of evil, evil’s gonna look right back at you.” – Sister Jude
11. “Man shall not lie with man. It is an abomination.” – Constance Langdon
12. “A man with no label has an allegiance only to what is right.” – Kai Anderson
13. “When bad things keep happening to good people, you start to question what is right and what is wrong.” – Jimmy Darling
14. “Now I understand. Tragedy was preparing me for something greater. Every loss that came before was a lesson.” – Constance Langdon
Famous American Horror Story Quotes
15. “You took my power the minute I gave birth to you.” – Fiona Goode
16. “I’m a monster. Why would you want to help me?” – Michael Langdon
17. “I think everyone in this world thinks they’re either blessed or cursed.” – The Countess
18. “You’re the only light I’ve ever known.” – Tate Langdon
19. “I can’t bring someone back once they’re gator shit.” – Misty Day
20. “We are a Christian country. Everybody loves a resurrection.” – Kai Anderson
21. “No matter how gruesome or horrible the murder, you can always find someone who’ll buy the house.” – Marcy
22. “You were wrong. There is something more dangerous in this world than a humiliated man: a nasty woman.” – Ally Mayfair-Richards
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Deep American Horror Story Quotes That’ll Teach You About Life
23. “You see everything when the world doesn’t see you.” – Liz Taylor
24. “You can write your own destiny. You can still turn away.” – Cordelia Foxx
25. “I have long stopped wondering why the mad, do mad things.” – Constance Langdon
26. “There’s no excuse for tardiness when there’s nothing else to do.” – Mr. Menable
27. “The world is a filthy place. It’s a filthy goddamn horror show. There’s just so much pain, y’know?” – Tate Langdon
28. “Is there anything more wonderful than the promise of a new child—or more heartbreaking when that promise is broken?” – Constance Langdon
American Horror Story Quotes to Illustrate Fear and Pain
29. “Feel the fear and the pain, let it all in, and then let it all go.” – Cordelia Foxx
30. “From blood and pain come perfection.” – Constance Langdon
31. “We have two selves. One the world needs us to be—compliant. And the shadow—ignore it and life is forever suffering.” – The Countess
32. “We all fear that we will end up alone, that love will be pulled from us.” – Elsa Mars
33. “I look at you and I don’t see a man. I see a sad, scared little boy so pathetic he couldn’t even kill me with a thousand nuclear bombs.” – Cordelia Foxx
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American Horror Story Quotes for All the Men and Women Worldwide
34. “I’ve had men trying to shut me up since I was a little girl. What is it about little girls that scares men so much?” – Valeria Solanas
35. “Men are simply not equal to women when it comes to magical ability.” – Cordelia Foxx
36. “You girls need to learn to fight. When witches don’t fight, we burn.” – Fiona Goode
37. “Men are never gonna accept a woman taking charge, especially not a woman as strong as you are.” – Frank McCann
38. “I’m not naive to the ways of men. Their need to objectify, conquer. They see what they want to see. Women, however, see into the soul of a person.” – Moira O’Hara
39. Fiona Goode: “You know why I got a female attack dog?”
Hank Foxx: “Because bitches stick together?”
Fiona Goode: “Because females are more loyal and aggressive when it comes to protecting their family.”
Insightful American Horror Story Quotes That Focus on Life and Death
40. “It’s ironic, but I never knew how to live until I died.” – Iris
41. “One dog moves out, another moves in. It’s the circle of life.” – Fiona Goode
42. “The one thing about the dead is they’ve got nothing left to lose.” – Larry Harvey
American Horror Story Quotes That Will Make You Cringe
43. “The dead can hold a grudge better than most Scorpios.” – Billie Dean Howard
44. “Too much? Well, I don’t know. Maybe you’re right. Then here’s my other offer: you can all just die.” – Fiona Goode
45. “In this whole wide wicked world the only thing you have to be afraid of is me.” – Fiona Goode
46. “Haven’t you heard? I have no soul. I’ll just kill ’em all.” – Fiona Goode
47. “You will learn, it isn’t our precious virus that makes you. It isn’t who you kill or who you screw. It’s the heartbreaks. The bigger, the better. I know better than any of us.” – The Countess
48. “I don’t give a donkey shit about a title. I want only one thing: your soul.” – Papa Legba
49. “I can either cut your throat or I can strangle you. I don’t believe in guns.” – Dr. Oliver Thredson
50. “My monsters, the ones you call depraved, they are the beautiful, heroic ones.” – Elsa Mars
Did These American Horror Story Quotes Give You Goosebumps?
American Horror Story is a 10-season horror anthology created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. Each season takes place in a new location and introduces a new cast of characters. This variety kept viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish!
Aside from the thrilling scenes, the show is also praised for the lessons it imparts. Some of it stems from the fact that you can’t run away from your problems and must accept responsibility for your actions. With 10 seasons under its belt, we’re sure that if you take your time to look at things from a deeper point of view, you’ll also get more lessons from the characters and their lines!
American Horror Story is not for the faint of heart, but the suspense and mysteries are well worth your screams. With that, we hope that this collection of quotes was able to take you back to some of your favorite scenes! Make sure you share these quotes with your friends who are also fans of the series.
What’s your favorite season of American Horror Story? Do you have any more quotes you’d like to share? Comment below.