He Refused to Take a DNA Test to Avoid Losing His $500,000 Inherited Home. He Felt It Was His Uncle’s Suspicious Scheme to Scam Him, and He Was Right!

This Redditor refuses to believe his grandfather cheated on his grandmother. So, when a stranger approached him claiming to be his uncle, he declined and just saved himself from being scammed!

A Clash Between Morals and Obligations

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Marian Fil

OP (Original Poster) is a 25-year-old with a clash of morals and obligations. It’s been hard for him to decide what to do, so he turned to the community for an outside perspective.

They Raised Me

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Lucigerma

When OP’s parents died when he was 13, he was taken in and raised by his paternal grandparents.

He said, “It was the easiest choice since they lived in the same area when my parents were alive and visited them frequently.”

The Only Grandchild

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Khorzhevska

His parents only had him as their child, and his aunt, his grandparents’ only other child, was child-free. So, OP’s their only grandchild.

In their will, they specified that OP would get their house once both passed away.

Saying Goodbye

Image Credit: Shutterstock / New Africa

True enough, when both of OP’s grandparents died, he got their house. He shared that the current total value of the home is around $500,000, and that’s “lowballing the estimate.”

The house was also fully paid, so OP had a “really good head start in life,” though he would never sell it.

A Clear Will

Image Credit: Shutterstock / M.Thanaphum

In his grandparents’ will, who will get what was very clear.

He wrote, “My grandparents’ will was very clear. Once they both passed, I get the house, my aunt got their life insurance policy, we split the remainder of their savings, and sentimental items were to be given to the designated people.”

His So-Called Uncle

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cookie Studio

Then, OP shared that he was recently approached by a man named John, who claimed to be his grandfather’s son. John told OP he would like a DNA test to verify it.

He wrote, “I was shocked and didn’t believe him and told him to f*** off because that would mean that my grandfather cheated on my grandmother.”

Who Is He?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mix and Match Studio

John mentioned that he also contacted OP’s aunt, and in turn, OP’s aunt told him she recognized John as the neighbor’s kid who moved away years ago.

OP shared, “Apparently, my grandparents were friends with his parents, but then one day, there was a huge fight, and the couple moved away.”

The Well-Hidden Affair

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Lipik Stock Media

John then said that his mom had an affair with OP’s grandfather, and when her then-husband found out, he divorced her, and they were forced to sell the house.

In his story, OP wrote, “John said that his mom’s husband wanted nothing to do with him since he wasn’t sure if he was the father and abandoned him.”

Tracking Him Down

Image Credit: Shutterstock / New Africa

He tried to track down his mom’s ex-husband, and once he did, they took a DNA test which proved he wasn’t John’s biological dad. So, John’s mom confessed that the only possible candidate was OP’s paternal grandfather.

He wrote, “John’s mom insisted her ex was the father for years.”

Think About Things First!

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Anatoliy Karlyuk

It turns out that John had been asking OP’s aunt about it, but since she lived in another country, he turned to OP for a DNA test instead. Initially, OP was willing to help him, but his girlfriend asked him to step back first.

OP’s girlfriend brought up the issue of the ownership of the house. When OP checked, the law said that if the DNA test proved that John was his grandfather’s son, he could sue for a share of the estate.

I’m Not Doing That

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cast Of Thousands

OP refused to let go of the house he got. He said, “If it came down to it, I would be forced to sell my home because there’s no way I could buy out even one-third of the share if John wanted it.”

So, OP contacted John, saying he’d agree to the DNA test, but only if he “signed away any rights or claims to the house” if proven to be his grandfather’s son. He told him he and his lawyers would be the ones to draw up the papers.

A Furious Wife

Image Credit: Shutterstock / A.D.S.Portrait

He didn’t hear anything from John for days until he received an angry phone call from a woman claiming to be John’s wife. The woman accused OP of being “greedy and selfish” and said he “couldn’t possibly know the pain of not knowing who his father is.”

She also told OP that his grandfather “owes” John. OP then hung up on her and contacted a lawyer.

He Can’t Do Anything

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jihan Nafiaa Zahri

OP is pretty confident that John couldn’t do anything unless he could present “enough evidence to create doubt” that he is, indeed, OP’s grandfather’s son since the “possible father is already deceased.”

OP then clarified that his aunt knows everything happening and supports what OP is doing. He added, “My grandparents were cremated, so John wouldn’t be able to even request that my grandfather be dug up for a test. Although, my aunt and I haven’t told him that.”

Online Bullying

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Krakenimages.com

Overall, OP is fine with “never giving John what he wants” until he waives his rights to the house, and his aunt wholly agrees. However, John’s wife started blasting and stalking him on social media.

OP noted that he had blocked her, but it was useless since she had created other accounts.

What the Community Has to Say

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Boumen Japet

Users noted that OP did the right thing. John and his wife were probably scamming him, and he just avoided it!

This man said, “Not the a**hole. The wife and ‘John’ are definitely going to sue for the estate. The fact that he didn’t agree to draw up papers to ensure that didn’t happen is suspicious. If he really just wanted to know who his biological father is, he would’ve agreed, you both would’ve taken the test, you guys would get the results, and that would’ve been the end of it. It’s suspicious that he didn’t opt to do that. You were right in getting that lawyer. Not the a**hole.”

Another commented, “John doesn’t deserve an inheritance; inheritances aren’t about owing or deserving. What he deserved was a stable family life, and that can’t be given to him by this gentleman’s estate. No one deserves an inheritance. Most people don’t even have enough to leave a real inheritance when they die. It’s crazy to argue that a dead person owes you their things unless you yourself helped them get said things, and even that’s a little crazy at that point.”

You Dodged a Bullet!

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Asier Romero

Redditors also told OP that he was lucky his girlfriend brought up the estate, or he might have lost everything.

“OP’s girlfriend somewhat saved him by pointing out how the will could be challenged. Buy her a nice steak dinner,” advised one user. Another said, “OP definitely dodged a bullet when his girlfriend brought this up. This could’ve easily gone south!”

Do you think John’s telling the truth? What do you think about this whole situation?

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This post first appeared as He Refused to Take a DNA Test Because It Meant Losing the $500,000 House He Inherited. He Feels His So-Called Uncle Was Trying to Scam Him, and He Was Right! on Quote Ambition.

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Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.