Reminisce about the adventures of your favorite duo through this list of Lilo & Stitch quotes!
Like all Disney movies, we’re presented with great pieces of music and animation and fantastic writing through Lilo & Stitch.
It is a hit sci-fi movie from 2002 packed with action, comedy, and lessons on love, family, and acceptance.
Stitch is an illegal genetic experiment with the function to destroy everything he touches. He’s from a different planet, but he somehow finds himself in Hawaii and gets adopted into Lilo and Nani’s family as their pet.
Being surrounded by kind, loving, and generous people helped Stitch change for the better.
He learns to let go of his destructive qualities and, in the end, is able to live as one with the family.
Without a doubt, Lilo & Stitch is more than your average animated movie.
So, if you’re curious to find out more, or just miss the characters’ hilarious banter, then make sure you read through to the end.
Continue reading here.
And don’t forget to check out these Stitch quotes and Tangled quotes.
Best Lilo & Stitch Quotes
1.“Sometimes, you try your hardest. But things don’t work out the way you want them to. Some things have to change, and maybe, sometimes they are for the better.” – Nani
2. “Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” – Lilo
3. “You know, you wreck everything you touch. Why not try and make something for a change?” – Lilo
4. “Let me illuminate to you the precarious situation in which you have found yourself. I am the one they call when things go wrong, and things have indeed gone wrong.” – Mr. Cobra Bubbles
5. “You are built to destroy. You can never belong.” – Jumba
6. “I’ll tell you what. If you promise not to fight anymore. I promise not to yell at you—except on special occasions.” – Nani
Lilo & Stitch Quotes About Love
7. “You are my ohana, Stitch. And I’ll always love you.” – Lilo
8. “You’re not taking her! I’m the only one who understands her! You take that away, she won’t stand a chance!” – Nani
9. “I know, Stitch is the best. I wouldn’t trade him for anything or anybody.” – Lilo
10. “Our family’s little now, and we don’t have many toys. But, if you want, you could be a part of it. You could be our baby, and we’d raise you to be good.” – Lilo
Emotional Lilo & Stitch Quotes That Will Move You
11. “If you want to leave, you can. I’ll remember you though. I remember everyone that leaves.” – Lilo
12. “This is my family. I found it—all on my own. It’s little, and broken, but still good. Yeah. Still good.” – Stitch
13. “We’re sisters. It’s our job.” – Lilo
14. “Can Stitch say goodbye?” – Stitch
15. “We’re a broken family, aren’t we?” – Lilo
16. “Starving yourself won’t bring him back, Lilo.” – Nani
17. Nani: “Please don’t do this.”
Mr. Cobra Bubbles: “You know I have no choice.”
Also read: Wreck-It Ralph Quotes, Shrek Quotes
Lilo & Stitch Quotes That Are Filled With Wisdom on Friendship
18. “I need someone to be my friend. Someone who won’t run away. Maybe send an angel. The nicest angel you have.” – Lilo
19. “Stitch, for one. He’s a royal pain, but he’s loyal, and he’d never ever ever do anything that would hurt you. That’s a true friend.” – Nani
20. “Lilo, if they only liked you because you had a cute pet, then who needs them? You have to trust your real friends.” – Nani
Cute Lilo & Stitch Quotes
21. Lilo: “Don’t leave me, okay?”
Stitch: “Okay.”
22. Gantu: “Ah! You’re vile; you’re foul; you’re flawed!”
Stitch: “Also cute and fluffy!”
23. “Don’t worry. She likes your butt and fancy hair. I know. I read her diary.” – Lilo
24. “I’ll put you back together again, I’ll make you taller—and not so fluffy!” – Jumba
25. “Stitch is troubled. He needs desserts.” – Lilo
26. “Stitch not bad. Stitch fluffy!” – Stitch
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Funny Lilo & Stitch Quotes
27. “Hello, Cobra Bubbles? Aliens are attacking my house.” – Lilo
28. “Leave me alone to diiiiie.” – Lilo
29. “I’m sorry I bit you, and pulled your hair, and punched you in the face.” – Lilo
30. “And you like me better as a sister than a rabbit, right?” – Lilo
31. “Elvis Presley was a model citizen. I’ve compiled a list of his traits for you to practice. Number one is dancing!” – Lilo
32. “I think it might be a koala—an evil koala. I can’t even pet it, it keeps staring at me like it’s gonna eat me.” – Nani
33. “Look at him, Lilo. He’s obviously mutated from something else! We have to take it back!” – Nani
34. “Oh, good! I was hoping to add theft, endangerment, and insanity to my list of things I did today!” – Pleakley
Also read: Funny Quotes
Lilo & Stitch Quotes to Highlight the Sisters’ Humorous Banter
35. “Lilo, you lolo. Do we have a lobster door? No. We have a dog door. We are getting a dog!” – Nani
36. “You rotten sister, Your butt is crushing me! Why do you act so weird?” – Lilo
37. “You are so finished when I get in there! I’m gonna stuff you in the blender, push ‘Puree,’ then bake you into a pie and feed it to the social worker! And when he says, ‘Mmmm, this is great, what’s your secret?’ I’m gonna say, ’Love and nurturing.’” – Nani
38. Nani: “I can’t sleep with that thing loose in the house.”
Lilo: “You’re loose in the house all the time, and I sleep just fine!”
39. Nani: “Oh, you are such a pain.”
Lilo: “Then why don’t you sell me and buy a rabbit instead?”
Nani: “At least a rabbit would behave better than you!”
Lilo: “Good! Then you’ll be happy ‘cause it’ll be smarter than me too!”
Nani: “And quieter!”
Lilo: “You’ll like it cuz it’s stinky like you!”
40. Nani: “Go to your room!”
Lilo: “I’m already in my room!”
Short Lilo & Stitch Quotes That Are Stuck in Our Heads
41. “I like you better as a sister than a mom.” – Lilo
42. “No more caffeine for you.” – Lilo
43. “Aliens are all about rules.” – Mr. Cobra Bubbles
44. “My friends need to be punished.” – Lilo
45. “A falling star! I have to make a wish!” – Lilo
46. “If I give Pudge tuna, I’d be an abomination!” – Lilo
47. “Using a girl of a shield. This is low, even for you.” – Jumba
Lilo & Stitch Quotes for Those Who Adore This Duo
48. “This is you, and this is your badness level. It is unusually high for someone your size.” – Lilo
49. “Uh oh. Badness coming on.” – Stitch
50. “Hey! Three days ago, I bought Stitch at the shelter. I paid two dollars for him. See this stamp? I own him. If you take him, you’re stealing.” – Lilo
51. “He was an orphan and we adopted him!” – Stitch
52. “Wanna play Battle of the Greek City-States? Stitch and me can be the fierce Spartans, and you can be the decadent Athenians.” – Lilo
53. “I got a new dog. His name is Stitch.” – Lilo
Lilo & Stitch Quotes to Help You Revisit Your Favorite Scenes From the Movie
54. “You can’t just quit. Must follow in Jumba’s evil footsteps!” – Jumba
55. Gantu: “Place that idiot scientist under arrest.”
Jumba: “I prefer to be called ‘Evil Genius.'”
56. Lilo: “Did you lose your job because of Stitch and me?”
Nani: “Nah. The manager’s a vampire. He wanted me to join his legion of the undead.”
Lilo: “I knew it!”
57. Lilo: “Can’t you go any faster?”
Nani: “Oh no, gravity is increasing on me!”
58. “It’s nice to live on an island with no large cities.” – Nani
Great Lilo & Stitch Quotes That Zoom in on Science and Outer Space
59. “Created something, ha! That would be irresponsible and unethical. I would never ever make more than one.” – Jumba
60. “His destructive programming is taking effect. He’ll be irresistibly drawn to large cities where he’ll back up plumbing, reverse street signs, and steal everyone’s left shoe.” – Jumba
61. “Oh, we can’t do that. Uh-uh. That would be a misuse of galactic resources.” – Pleakley
62. Grand Councilwoman: “How do you plead?”
Jumba: “Not guilty! My experiments are only theoretical, and completely within legal boundaries.”
63. Gantu: “What is that monstrosity?”
Jumba: “Monstrosity? What you see before you is the first of a new species. I call it Experiment 626. It is fire-proof, bullet-proof, and can think faster than a supercomputer. It can see in the dark, and lift objects 3,000 times its size. It’s only instinct—to destroy everything it touches!”
More Lilo & Stitch Quotes for You to Enjoy
64. Lilo: “Your knuckles say, ‘Cobra. Cobra Bubbles.’ You don’t look like a social worker.”
Mr. Cobra Bubbles: “I’m a special classification.”
Lilo: “Did you ever kill anyone?”
Mr. Cobra Bubbles: “We’re getting off the subject.”
65. Nani: “CIA?”
Mr. Cobra Bubbles: “Former. Saved the planet once. Convinced an alien race mosquitoes were an endangered species.”
66. Mr. Cobra Bubbles: “Let’s talk about you. Are you happy?”
Lilo: “I’m adjusted. I eat all four food groups, and look both ways before crossing the street, and take long naps, and get disciplined?”
67. “It’s sandwich day. Every Thursday I give Pudge the Fish a peanut butter sandwich. But, today we were out of peanut butter. I asked my sister what to give him and she said a tuna sandwich. I can’t give Pudge tuna! Do you know what tuna is? It’s a fish!” – Lilo
68. “I’m late because I had to go to the store and get peanut butter cause all we have is—is stinking tuna.” – Lilo
69. “Thus far you’ve been adrift in the sheltered harbor of my patience.” – Mr. Cobra Bubbles
70. “Look! A mosquito has chosen me as her perch. She’s so beautiful. There’s another one and another—it’s a whole flock. They like me. They’re nuzzling my flesh with their noses.” – Pleakley
Did You Uncover New Insights From This List of Lilo & Stitch Quotes?
Lilo & Stitch’s most memorable line might just be, “Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.” It’s a line that’s just etched into our hearts, minds, and souls. In fact, some people share and say this line even without knowing it came from the movie.
This proves just how profound and significant the influence of Lilo & Stitch is. Through Lilo’s efforts to keep Stitch in her family, we understand that true friendship goes way beyond our differences. Lilo might be human, and Stitch might be an alien, but they’re family, nonetheless.
Another great thing to highlight is the movie’s depiction of true love. Typically, romantic love is what’s referred to as true love in most movies, not in Lilo & Stitch, though. Here, we can see the unbreakable relationship between sisters, reminding us that no matter what happens, our siblings will always have our backs.
Stitch also goes through some significant changes in the movie. From someone who destroys everything he touches, he learns to be more caring of the people around him. Through this, we see that it’s never too late, and it’s not impossible to change for the better.
With that, we hope these Lilo & Stitch quotes were able to give you some lessons you haven’t noticed before. Keep the collection in your bookmarks whenever you need a reminder of just how meaningful this movie is!
Are you also a fan of Lilo & Stitch? What other lessons did you learn from the characters? Comment below!