She Kicked Her 19-Year-Old Pregnant Soon-To-Be Stepdaughter Out for Dumping Her Beloved Elderly Cat on the Road. She’s Tired of Her Disrespectful and Sickening Attitude! Did She Go Too Far?

She opened her home to her pregnant future stepdaughter, but she returned the favor by throwing her cat out. She decided she was no longer putting up with her behavior, so she kicked her out!

A Soon-To-Be Stepmom

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Inside Creative House

OP, a 35-year-old woman, had been with her fiancé, a 45-year-old man, for 3 years when she posted this story. Her fiancé has 2 daughters: Kate, who’s a “lovely girl” aged 22, and Kim, who’s 19.

OP clarified that before anyone assumes anything, OP’s fiancé divorced his ex-wife two years before they met. She and her fiancé’s ex-wife get along very well, and they don’t feel any hate toward each other.

The Pregnant Teenager

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Compared to her sister, Kim has always had a bad attitude toward everyone, especially OP. However, Kim is three months pregnant and lives with OP and her fiancé since they have more room for Kim and the baby.

The father of Kim’s child sometimes stays over, but since he studies and has two jobs, the one taking care of Kim has been mainly OP.

Bonding With Her Elderly Cat

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alex Zotov

The day OP shared this story, Kim’s boyfriend came over to her house, so OP’s fiancé suggested letting them have the place for themselves, and then they went for a walk. Coming home two hours later, OP noticed that her cat, Whiskey, whom Kim hated and wanted gone, was missing.

OP wrote, “I asked her where he was. Kim said she ran out the door, which I knew was bulls***. Whiskey is an elderly cat who wouldn’t even go out on the porch if I didn’t bring him.”

Dumb Excuses

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So, OP checked her Ring camera, and Kim threw Whiskey out as she expected! OP’s fiancé defended his daughter by saying Kim is pregnant and that her hormones are all over the place.

He even reasoned that “pregnancy brain” messes with women and added that he was going to bring up getting rid of Whiskey for the baby’s sake anyway.

She Crossed a Line!

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At that point, OP was already in tears, and when she looked at Kim, who had a smug, satisfied look on her face, OP lost it.

OP said, “I got up in her face and screamed that she had one hour to find my cat or all her s*** would be in the dumpster, and I was done being her slave.”

A Heartless Girl

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Even then, Kim said that she wouldn’t look for OP’s “stupid” cat and told OP to back off as she was pregnant. OP’s fiancé told her to calm down, saying they’d look for her cat.

Absolutely No Patience Left

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Prostock-studio

Furious and worried, OP said no and told her fiancé she would be looking for her cat alone and that when she got back, his daughter better be gone. She also added that if he had any issues with that, he was free to go as well!

She told him she was sick of dealing with his “little b****” of a daughter whom everyone—including Kim’s own parents and boyfriend—avoids.

The Nerve of These People!

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OP did not wait for them to respond and left to look for her cat, but she did hear Kim crying. After about 20 minutes of looking for Whiskey, she found her cat hiding in the bushes.

Upon arriving home, OP saw Kim and her fiancé in the living room, where he told OP that he wanted to talk but reminded her that she owed Kim an apology first. OP shared, “I told him f*** himself, and she better start packing.”

There’s No Room for Them Here!

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Maria Sbytova

After this, OP brought her cat to the veterinary clinic to have him checked.

OP’s fiancé isn’t talking to her, and as far as OP knows, Kim is now staying at her boyfriend’s home.

Her Close-Minded Fiancé

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OP’s fiancé’s eldest daughter, Kate, who’s also an animal lover, reached out to OP, saying that her father asked to stay with her for a few nights.

He made up excuses, saying OP was having a “breakdown” over her cat, who “escaped,” and that OP went after “poor” Kim, who didn’t try to find Whiskey in her pregnant condition.

The Truth They’ve Been Seeking

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

According to OP, Kate is a brilliant girl who can see “bulls***” from a mile away. Kate also knows her sister, so she called Kim to ask her side of the story.

Kim confessed that she and her father planned to have Kim’s boyfriend throw OP’s cat at a road dump, but he wouldn’t do it because, in Kim’s words, he’s a “p****.” OP was fortunate that Kim was lazy and just kicked Whiskey out and ran him out of the yard.

The Wedding’s Off!

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jelena Stanojkovic

After knowing the truth, Kate told OP that Kim might do something to Whiskey as revenge. She picked up some concerning things in her tone and how her sister talked about OP and her cat.

So, given what Kate told OP and hearing other people’s advice, OP decided to call off her wedding, which was supposed to take place in a few weeks.

There’s No Longer an “Us”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Red Fox studio

OP shamelessly broke up with her fiancé—now ex—over a text message.

She said, “I don’t give a f*** if it’s immature or cruel. I’ve told him I’ll box up his stuff for him and leave it for him to collect in a few days.”

Standing Up for Her Cat and Herself

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dean Drobot

OP assured everyone that Whiskey, who’s a little shaken up, will be safe since she told her ex-fiancé to call when he’s coming over to her house so that OP can lock Whiskey in a safe room.

OP added, “The begging and bulls*** promises have already started, but my mind is made up. I’m done being an ATM slave for him and his spoiled b**** of a daughter.”

Redditors’ Two Cents

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Diego Thomazini

Animal lovers commended OP for defending and putting her cat first. Based on her story, it’s evident that her ex-fiancé and his daughter were cruel people.

According to the top commenter, “Not the a**hole. As a cat owner, I salute you. I mean, yes, you might lose the relationship over this, but from the sounds of it, if this doesn’t do it, something else likely will.”

That’s Not How It Works!

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Asier Romero

Many people also pointed out that Kim being pregnant is not an excuse for her evil personality and that her father needs to stop making excuses for her.

A Redditor wrote, “Not the a**hole. Pregnancy hormones do not cause you to be cruel to an elderly pet. That’s just vicious entitlement and garden-variety meanness. You don’t owe her an apology. She should be begging for your forgiveness, and so should your ex-fiancé.”

Another one said, “Not the a**hole, and your fiancé needs to stop making stupid excuses for his daughter’s behavior. Kim is only three months pregnant and needs somebody to take care of her?”

Animals Are Way Better Than Humans

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Redditors also said they’d rather have the father and daughter kicked out of OP’s house than Whiskey. Pets are too precious and loving to receive such inhuman treatment from people.

“Not the a**hole. Replace them all with cats,” a commenter wrote.

Another Redditor said, “Not the a**hole. Throwing an elderly cat outside could have been a death sentence for your cat. With the way your fiancé reacted, I couldn’t continue that relationship. Pets give you so much. To abandon them in their twilight years is a very cruel thing to do. The stress your baby went through breaks my heart. The fact your fiancé didn’t have empathy for your cat is a problem. I don’t see how you get over it since he wanted to keep the person who wanted to see your cat dead. Throw the whole family out.”

Do you think OP was right for kicking her stepdaughter out? What would you do if you were her?

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This post first appeared as She Kicked Her 19-Year-Old Pregnant Soon-To-Be Stepdaughter Out After She Mercilessly Dumped Her Elderly Cat on the Road. Her Fiancé’s Furious, but She’s Had Enough and Called the Wedding Off! on Quote Ambition.

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Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.