She Refused to Return the Cat She Adopted, Saying They’ve Already “Grown Attached” to Each Other. But the Previous Owner’s Saying She’s a “Cat Thief,” Threatening to Sue Her!

This user took in a rehomed cat when the owner decided to move away. Months later, the owner returned and demanded the cat back, but she refused and is now labeled a “cat thief!”

Complicated Moving Situation

Image Credit: Shutterstock / evrymmnt

OP (Original Poster) is a 27-year-old woman who agreed to take in a 5-year-old female cat named Mina.

Mina belonged to OP’s younger sister’s friend—referred to as H. H was moving away to another state with her boyfriend and wanted to rehome Mina, so OP graciously agreed to accept the cat.

Feline Friendship

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bogdan Sonjachnyj

OP already owned a 7-year-old male cat named Atlas, who was “very chill,” so OP didn’t see any complications. Because of this, H was grateful that OP could take in her cat.

Time to Adjust

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Zaitsava Olga

Mina started off being very anxious at OP’s home, but over time, she came “out of her shell” and bonded with OP, Atlas, and her girlfriend. Mina has since become a devoted “lap kitty” and is even a bit more socialized now, no longer running for cover to hide when guests or strangers come over.

Change of Scenery

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

After several months, H suddenly announced that she and her boyfriend had broken up. Because of that, H was going to move back to town.

Asking for a Return

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Once H arrived, she decided to live with her mom while looking for an apartment. During this time, H contacted OP to ask if she could get Mina back since it’s “been only a few months.”

Attached and Invested

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

OP gave a firm “no” to H. Everyone in OP’s household had since grown very attached to Mina.

On top of that, OP had already invested a lot of time and money into Mina, helping her to transition to her new life with them. She had already taken Mina to the vet and bought new food and water bowls, cat beds, more cat trees, and more.

Explanation of a Definition

Image Credit: Shutterstock / evrymmnt

For OP, Mina was more than a cat who was rehomed. OP explained that to her, “Rehomed means up for adoption; there’s no changing your mind in five months.”

Settling in Nicely

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Julia_585

OP noted that Mina has since settled into her new life with them and looks pretty well-adjusted. Mina enjoys sleeping in bed with them and is being trained on the harness to go on walks with Atlas.

She expounded that if anyone has ever tried to introduce two adult cats, they will instantly understand how difficult and stressful the ordeal can be. It took two whole months for Mina and Atlas to stand being in the same room together for any real period of time; now, they sleep near each other and groom one another often.

Years Versus Months

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

H was, unsurprisingly, not happy to hear OP refuse to return Mina.

She went on to say that she’d had Mina for years, while OP had only had the cat for a “couple of months” and that she’d pay OP back for all the stuff she’d gotten the kitty.

Not a Boarding Facility

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Trzykropy

OP refuted this by stating it wasn’t just about the “cost.” OP, her girlfriend, and even Atlas had all become attached to Mina and vice versa.

She continued, explaining that she felt it wouldn’t be fair to Mina to put her through another “stressful transition right after she got used to her new home and family.” They weren’t a “long-term boarding facility” to be used at a whim.

Time for Court

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Master1305

H was angry she couldn’t get her way and insinuated that she’d take OP to court over this.

However, OP “100% does not believe she can or will do.”

Spreading the Drama Around

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Antonio Guillem

Sadly, on top of that, H also started “talking s***” to OP’s sister, who is now upset with her as well and giving her the “silent treatment.”

OP is worried because now she’s viewed as the “bad guy” by “who knows how many other people H has told.” After all, they only hear H’s side of the story, not OP’s.

Hands off My Kitty

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dean Drobot

Despite everything, OP concluded she won’t be giving Mina back to H.

Even if she feels like an “a**hole” and “cat thief,” as H has said, OP loves Mina and intends to keep her.

Redditors’ Two Cents

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Prathankarnpap

Redditors quickly took OP’s side and proclaimed her an excellent cat mom.

One user said, “It’s not a ‘couple of months.’ It’s more like half a year. Mina is now your cat. Let H go ahead and try to take you to court. She doesn’t have a leg to stand on. If your sister is too obtuse to see how messed up H is being, then enjoy the silence her ‘silent treatment’ is bringing, lol. You are not a cat thief. She basically abandoned her cat for a dude. She’s a bad cat mom. Not the a**hole, not even a little bit.”

“Agreed. What happens to Mina when she gets back with her boyfriend or meets another one? So not the a**hole,” commented another Redditor.

Her Choice

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Olena Zaskochenko

Others pointed out that this whole fiasco resulted from H’s decision. So, it’s also up to her to face the consequences of her actions.

A woman wrote, “She chose to move somewhere she couldn’t bring her cat. That was her choice and her choice to find a new home for her cat. Just because her situation has changed doesn’t mean she gets to ‘UNO reverse.’ She made a bad decision; she has to deal with the consequences.”

“Also, if this woman hadn’t broken up with her boyfriend and moved home, she would have never asked for the cat back. She’s lucky you took the cat in, and she’s being manipulative and selfish to act like the cat is a thing to be taken from one home to another whenever she wants it. I would make these points to her. You adopted the cat. Too bad for her,” said another.

What do you think? Was OP correct to keep Mina, or should she have returned the cat to its original owner?

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This post first appeared as She Refused to Return the Cat She Adopted, Saying They’ve Already “Grown Attached” to Each Other. But the Previous Owner’s Saying She’s a “Cat Thief,” Threatening to Sue Her! on Quote Ambition.

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Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen, a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn.