Ladybug Quotes

50 Ladybug Quotes to Bring You Good Fortune

We’ve gathered our top 50 ladybug quotes to show you how much luck one of these pretty beetles can bring into your life. Tiny but with a bold exterior, ladybugs are one of the few

Dog Quotes

70 Dog Quotes for Everyone With a Furry Best Friend

Reading this list of dog quotes is the best way to fill yourself with love and thoughts about your best friend! Dogs have long been humanity’s companions since the beginning of society. They are creatures

Dinosaur Quotes

80 Dinosaur Quotes to Fuel Your Jurassic Fantasy

Travel back in time to the Jurassic period through this list of dinosaur quotes! Dinosaurs are believed to have existed 165 million years ago, during the Mesozoic Era. It’s also estimated that there were 700

Dolphin Quotes

60 Dolphin Quotes to Shower You With Happiness

If you’re looking for some good vibes to lift your spirits, then these dolphin quotes are perfect for you! Dolphins may swim through the water as gently as any fish, but they are mammals. They

Dove Quotes

140 Dove Quotes on Peace, Love, and Purity

There’s a treasure trove of wise messages you can find from this collection of the best dove quotes. So, if you’re in need of that little push to remind you of the beauty this world

Cheetah Quotes

50 Cheetah Quotes on Speed, Strength, and More

We’ve gathered our favorite cheetah quotes for your entertainment needs. So what are you waiting for? Whether you’re a cheetah fan or if you need some inspiring quotes to get you by, then this collection

Spider Quotes

170 Spider Quotes to Inspire Creativity and Resilience

There’s no shortage to the number of life lessons you’ll learn from this collection of the best spider quotes! So, if you’re interested to find out more about these eight-legged creatures, then you’ve better add

Zebra Quotes

70 Zebra Quotes on Individuality & Uniqueness

Here are the top 70 zebra quotes that will tell you more about this black and white animal. Living in the treeless green lands of Africa, these creatures are more than just your average horse

Bear Quotes

75 Bear Quotes That Are Cute and Adorable

Here are the top 75 bear quotes that will teach you life lessons and the importance of balance in nature. So, if you’re interested to know more about bears, this collection is perfect for you.

Penguin Quotes

60 Penguin Quotes on Devotion and Adaptation

These top 60 penguin quotes will show you exactly why they are considered to be symbols of loyalty, devotion, and adaptability. So, if you want to know more about these cute and cuddly birds, then

Deer Quotes

130 Deer Quotes About Hunting, Life, and Grace

This is the best collection of deer quotes that’ll satisfy your curiosity about this gentle and beautiful animal. With more than 100 quotes about deer from life to hunting to some amazing words of wisdom,

Raven Quotes

80 Raven Quotes for the Good & Bad Omens in Life

Ravens are mysterious creatures depicted in many legends and tales, and we’re sure these raven quotes will make you want to ponder on what they symbolize as well as some facts you might want to

Snake Quotes

170 Snake Quotes to Help You Turn Your Fear Around

We’ve gathered some of our favorite snake quotes to help you see the positive things that snakes can symbolize in our lives. If you’re curious to find out more, then you should definitely go through