Robert Kiyosaki Quotes

30+ Robert Kiyosaki Quotes on Wealth & Success

If you’re after some basic lessons that will change the way you perceive wealth, then these Robert Kiyosaki quotes might just be the ones you need. Robert Kiyosaki is best known in the world as

Stephen Covey Quotes

50 Stephen Covey Quotes on Building Good Habits

If you need help defining your life’s mission, then these Stephen Covey quotes may help you figure things out. As a best-selling non-fiction author, he was able to leave a legacy of leadership and success

Eric Thomas Quotes

40 Eric Thomas Quotes on Life & Greatness

These Eric Thomas quotes will prove that everyone is destined for greatness, and his little bits of wisdom might just be perfect mental notes that show you’re not alone in life’s journey. We’ve rounded up

Inky Johnson Quotes

60 Inky Johnson Quotes on Commitment & Success

If you’re looking for something that’ll give you the determination to succeed and power through, then this list of the best Inky Johnson quotes will definitely fit the bill! People who play sports can easily

Neville Goddard Quotes

200 Neville Goddard Quotes to Manifest Your Desires

Learn about the magic of manifestation and make your wishes come true with the help of these Neville Goddard quotes. Neville Goddard was a self-help and mysticism American author and prophet. Before he became a